Lets battle !

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Hey guys I'm back and if you noticed I actually changed the cover again and I just want to ask was the old one better or the new one , tell me or don't I just want to know , btw this picture is by Kanduli from deviant art so yeah let's go !
Marco's POV
Outside the castle ~
M: hey , Daniel , you never told me you had a kid !
D: I didn't think it was necessary.
M: does star know ?
D: no , I don't think so , we wanted to keep the child a secret .
M: why ?!
D: look , you may not know this but mewni is a dangerous place , have you seen the village ?!
M: yeah I did two years ago , I saw that they liked to hurt children!
D: exactly! Kids are not safe on mewni !
M: why is mewni like this ? Why are they different levels ?
D: you see 100 years ago , there was a war that decided mewni into four parts there is the highest rank which is where we are now and is only for the royal family and people who work for them normal people don't usually get to come up here unless it's a special occasion like you announcing your relationship with star  , the second one is for the rich people , they are rich yet heartless people , the third one is for the people who are normal , not too poor , not too rich they are the nice ones and the mean ones , last but no least is the fourth one , it is the worst one yet , mostly peasants live there , they are mostly poor , desperate and not in the right mind !
M: right ... But why are you hiding your child ?!
D: you see I was from the fourth part of mewni , I grew up being tortured until I met Valerie, she was also from fourth mewni , we grew up together saying we wanted a better life and that we will not stay there forever , we both worked hard to get here , you see people from fourth mewni isn't suppose to step foot in the castle grounds but one day when the king was on an adventure I saved his life , he promised me a job , but I told him I wouldn't leave Valerie alone so he got her a job too , we lived in the castle for quite sometime before  we decided to get married but the rule is if you're not from the royal family you need to get a job to continue staying in the castle if don't then you're out !
M: why is it like  that ?!
D: it just is , so we secretly gave birth to the baby , the king found out but he couldn't just send the baby back to fourth mewni so he allowed us to keep him until he's older then he can have a job here , he wants us to keep it a secret because some people might think it's unfair, and might cause an uprising so we agreed !
M: wow , I never knew that side of mewni !
D: yeah , but I hope when you're king , you can change mewni for the better !
M: why does people keep saying that ?!
D: because we know how much you love star and star loves you just as much ! You guys are inseparable!
Your marriage is almost a must !
M: I don't know if I'm ready to be king ...
D: nobody asked you to be king tomorrow, in a few years maybe but not now , now we need to focus in bringing back the princess , let's go ! ( he went into the vehicle to bring us to the underworld)
M: coming ! ( I ran to him )
In the vehicle ~
D: are you ready Marco ?!
M: yes , I am !
D: have you gotten rid of the idea to kill Tom yet ?
M: yes ....
D: yes Sir ! Out here you take my commands! I am the leader ! ( he's voice becoming serious)
M: yes sir ! ( I gave him a salute )
D: very good,  knight Marco ! ( his voice sounded like a commander )
M: thank you sir ! ( my voice like a soldier)
D: we are almost there , everyone clear on the mission ?!
E: yes sir !
D: good , what's the mission ?! ( he questioned harshly)
E: rescue the princess , keep knight Marco safe !
D: very good , now be quiet we won't want Tom knowing us here !
E: yes sir !
We wore tom's guards armor , I just wonder how did they get these armor ?
In the drains ~
Shush ~ water sounds ~ shush ~
We carefully walked in the drains , we got to a stone staircase and carefully walked up , but on the other side of the door was a guard , once we opened the door ...
D: strasky, take him down !
The man did what he said , we continues down the hallway , it was dark with a stone wall , I was behind Daniel who was leading ,
D: shush ! Someone's coming prepare to battle !
We were all in our battle positions and .... There came a dozen guards !
D: now !!!
They kicked , punched , knocked out , I did the same , but right after we were done with this dozen another came !
D: get knight Marco to safety now !!
One knight pushed me to the side and we hid there while they fought !
Daniel kicked a guard in the stomach and ...
D: strasky, the swinging kick now !!
He grabbed knight strasky's arms and strasky using his legs kicked toms guards that were coming after them ,
D: stromier, the flying soldier now !!!
He took knight stromier's hands and released him at just the right moment causing the guards coming after them to collapse,
D : Simon  , tornado  !!!
Their backs against each other's and they punched the guards and locked their arms together and spun , faster and faster and faster until everyone they hit came flying across the room like a tornado ,
D: Brandon !
But I couldn't just stand there I went out and punched the guards just like how star and I fought against ludo but this was harder , Tom's guards were harder to defeat then I thought! I jumped and kicked one of them in the face ..,
D: Jared ! Wait , Marco !!!
M: yeah ! ( I said while fighting the guards )
D: what are you doing , you're suppose to hide !!!!!
M: I'm not hiding !!! ( I got by his side )
I'm not a coward !!!
D: ugh , fine , I knew you weren't a normal earthling!! ( he gave me a smirk ) let's do this !!!
M: Karate chop !!!!
I karate chopped a guy's arm and by the looks of it I think I broke it !
D: not bad ! But you need to do better then me Marco !!
M: hahahahaha, I will ! 
We both saw five guards coming our way
M: so.... You take the ones on the left and I take the ones on the right ?!
D: why not ! Let's see what you can do !
Daniel took out two and looked over to me and saw three on the floor ..
D: not bad !!! 
M: thanks !! 
But then .....
T: alright enough!!
E: huh ?!
D: knights positions !!
We got in our positions ,
T: now there's no need for that !
M: where's star you hot headed , bad breath , corny , evil demon ?!
T: pff , now there's no need for names Marco , tell you what I'm in a good mood , I'll let you go if you leave us alone !!
M: in your dreams Tom !
T: alright you brought this upon yourselves !!!
Suddenly green smoke started to appear and things were getting foggy and dizzy ....
D: abort ! Abort ! It's ... A .... Tr....ap!
We fainted and fell on the ground !
The last thing I heard and saw was Tom and his guards with masks , laughing ! And then I blacked out !
Starry's POV
I was in my room brushing my hair , making sure I'd look good for Tom ,
(S: someone , help me !!!! Please !!!!!ugh it's no use ! I'm a goner !!! Why ?! Why did I eat the food ?! How could I have been so stupid ! No ! ) 'star dropped to her knees knowing there is no way to undo the love spell , she knew she will be stuck in the mind of starry , she will have to be forced to be with Tom and never get to see her one and only love ever again ! It was hopeless '

Author's POV
Hey guys wow , that was sketchy, nooooo Tom is always one step ahead !!! I just had to make things like that hope you don't hate me , I just think there is no way things can be that easy so I had to do it ! Oh and wow Daniel has a backstory too ! So far the only characters that hasn't gotten a backstory is Tom and Oscar I don't know maybe it will be coming after this whole fighting over star is over , oh and there will be a cameo in tomorrow's part , I'm not going to tell you who but there will be ! Oh and I realized Chances Given to Starco and Thoughts and Thoughts got mixed up , Thoughts and thoughts were suppose to be first then Chances given to starco , I tried to fix it but it won't save so we just have to live with it !! Anyways did you guys catch the Soma reference, I love Soma !!!! It's so awesome !!!! I just love the idea and concept but we're not here to talk about Soma I just wanted to reference it , btw I ship Simon Jared with Catherine Chun !!!
See you soon and bye !!!

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