With you

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Hey guys I'm back and I have decided , I would end this book , part thirty will be the last part , so that means this will be the second last part , if this one goes well I might consider a sequel , I don't know I'll see , also I'm going to write my opinions on ships book I don't know when I'll release it but soon since I'll have time to fill in after this book is finished, I'm really devastated about ending this book but it's for the best , before I run out of ideas so yeah ! And also can you guys can comment I really need to hear your opinions! Btw this pic above is by morita 96164 from deviant art so yeah ! Let's do this !
Marco's POV
I feel so happy !!!! Star kissed me !!!! Princess star butterfly , my best friend kissed me !!!!!!! Ahhh!!!!!!! But then star asked me a question about us , will we be together forever ! The truth is I don't know , I love star so much , but who knows what will happen in 10 years or 12 years , we might not be together ! I certainly don't wish for something like that to happen b.... But who knows !
Suddenly I felt a head on my shoulder,
M: star ?
S: yeah !
M: I love you !
S: I love you too Marco !
Our backs were up against each other while we looked at the stars above , let's just hope the stars above and fate would let us be together forever!
Star fell asleep, I looked over , she looked so beautiful, she looked perfect , sometimes I really wonder what did I do to deserve her , I just love her so much ! I decided to carry her home again , I slowly laid her down , and I picked her up bridal style, after years of karate I finally became more fit so carrying her wasn't a problem , I walked home with star in my arms , when we got to my house I had to knock the door with my foot so my mom would open it for us ,
MrsD: Marco ? ( my mom opened the door )
M: yeah mom , I'm going to put her down upstairs.
MrsD: okay ! Goodnight !
M: goodnight ! ( I said as I walked upstairs)
I slowly laid her in the bed , I pulled the covers , at that moment I felt like crawling into her bed and sleeping with her , but I fought back the urge , I can't do that ! It's not very nice ! We're too young ! I shock away that idea and kissed her on her forehead , I left the room and changed and got to sleep !
Alarm sounds ~
M: huh ? It's morning ! I need to get ready for karate class ! ( I jumped out and ran into the shower )
Then star came in again like usual ,
S: oh ,Marco !
M: yeah star ! ( I came out wearing my karate outfit )
S: thank you for bringing me home ! ( she kissed me on the cheek !! She never does that ! )
M: no probs ! ( I could feel my face heating up , oh no , I'm going to look like a tomato! )
S: oh you have karate lessons today ! ( she said sadly while looking down , then I lifted her chin with my fingers so she could look into my eyes )
M: hey , it's not the first time ! You can go to the mall or hang with Jackie !
S: I used to have something to do on Sunday's because of the anniversary surprise , oh maybe I could hang with pony head !
M: sure , you wanna bring me to the dojo ? Then you can come home and hang with phony !
S: okay ! Hahahaha!
We were walking to karate class and star went home , two and a half hour later , star said she would come to the dojo after I was done , I went outside and looked around ,
M: where is she ?! ( I looked left and right , star would always come on time to pick me up , huh maybe she got caught up with phony ! Suddenly I saw Janna running towards my direction , )
Janna : hey Marco ! ( she said with a smile )
M: hey Janna ! ( I said but still trying to look for star )
Janna : who are you looking for ?
M: star of course, she's usually isn't late to pick me up !
Janna : well I can wait with you !
M: well okay then I guess !
Then a kid was skating but bumped into us causing Janna to fall on top of me !!
Janna : I'm so sorry Marco !!
M: Hahahaha, it's okay ! ( as we were getting up I saw star looking at us from across the street , she looked sad !! )
S: MARCO DIAZ YOU JERK !!!!!!! ( she screamed from across the road )
M: wait ?!! What ?! Star wait !!!!! ( she ran away , without a second thought I ran after her , I ran and ran but she was fast , slowly I lost track of her , I spun around desperately trying to look for her in a sea of people , I bumped into people and that's when I saw star sitting on a bench crying across the street , I immediately wanted to run over so I did but that's when I hear and loud bang and I felt being pushed , I fell to the ground and I tried to keep my eyes open but failed , before I black out the last thing I saw was people gathering around me and I heard STAR ! She kept on screaming )
S: Marco !!!!! Marco !!!! Please don't sleep !!!!! Stay with me !!!!! Please somebody call the ambulance !!!!! Please somebody !!!!! MARCO !!!
Suddenly I blacked out !
Star's POV
I got caught up with pony  head because we were kinda in trouble but we got out of it , I hope Marco doesn't get mad at me ! I cut through a portal and said goodbye to pony head , when I got to the road across the dojo I saw Janna on top of Marco !!!!! I knew she liked him !!!!! I felt tears in my eyes and those salty drops of water fell down my face , Marco and Janna looked over to me , I got angry , sad , betrayed !!!!!
After that I kept running and running , I didn't care where I was heading as long as I get as far away as I can from that cheater !!!!! I could hear Marco screaming for me to stop but I ignored it all , I finally lost him in a sea of people , I walked to a bench across the street, I was bawling my eyes out when I heard a scream and a loud bang !!! I looked up and s..saw m...Marco !!!! Marco was on the ground , bleeding !!!! People surrounded him , then I ran over and managed to squeeze through , I was losing Marco !!! I screamed at people so they can help us , I hugged his head when I remembered what Marco said about accidents like this , I have to keep my cool !!! I slowly calmed down and ordered the people around him to step back to give him some air , I asked them to call the ambulance, 10 minutes later the ambulance came , Marco was carried into the ambulance and I followed , then the paramedics checked him , I was so worried I started crying again , I watched as they tried to save him , suddenly ,
His heart beat stopped !!!!

Author's POV
Hey snakes , Hahahaha cliffhanger!! I'm sorry I haven't been updating but that is because I have decided , the next part will be the last !! That means just another day will come to an end , but what I want you guys to do is to comment below tell me do you want a sequel or a prequel!!!! Yes there will be a next book let me explain :
Prequel :
Will contain less starco since they aren't dating yet !
More focus on the battles with ludo!
More about star helping Marco with Jackie and Marco helping star with Oscar , so I don't recommend the prequel since there will be hardly any starco !!!
Sequel :
More focus on starco lovey dovey moments , like kissing , hugging , saying mushy words to each other!!!
Marco learning how to be a better king which means twice a week with star's parents !!! He'll learn the struggles and star would help him , but star has stuff to learn too !
Starco in high school and mostly college, that means they will attend prom !!!! But overall the set up will be in college but I'll start when they are almost graduating !!!!
The return of Janna and maybe Tom !!! Janna will be the third wheel in the sequel , I have been hinting at this when star suspected Janna was the one who stole her necklace !!!!
The truth is I'm truly torn about my decision, I took a very long time to be able to write this part because every time I want to write the next part I get really depressed!!!! I was really devastated about my decision , I want to just roll up into a ball and cry !!! Because this was my first every fanfic that I wrote and this fanfic got 1k reads !!!! You don't know how delighted I was when I opened wattpad and saw 1k reads on this book , the first book I ever wrote !!!! I'm so grateful you guys are reading this fanfic and it got to 1k reads !!!!! I love you snakes so much !!!!
See you soon and bye my snakes !!!

Just Another Day ( starco )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora