Chapter 10-Forgot

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Chloe's (POV)

I was woken up by the sound of the door, it was a nurse bringing in our Pizza order. Shit!!! I completely forgot about the Pizza...

"Oh I forgot about that ahaha thank you," I said to the nurse, she smiled and then walked back out of the room.

I was about to get up to go to the small table where the pizza had been placed but then I realised that Beca was laying on top of me. I didn't want to wake her up she looked so peaceful, but the food was warm, I didn't want it to go cold for the both of us...

But it was as if Beca was reading my mind, and on cue she slowly woke up from her sleep, she rubbed her eyes and then looked up at me. She looked so cute to say she just woke up, she then turned her head, and that's when I knew she could smell the pizza. Beca loves her food...

Beca's eyes shot wide open... She spotted the boxes of Pizza... God her face was just adorable...

"Well the foods here," I said with a giggle, "let's eat!" I put my hands together and stood up and headed towards the pizza.

I could bet any money that Beca was staring at my arse. I picked up the boxes with the pizza and chips in and glanced back to see if Beca was staring again... bingo!!! She was of course... If Aubrey was here she would have been tears, and also upset because I would have won the bet...

I walked back over to Beca's bed and I placed the boxes on this little pull out table that was connected to the hospital bed. I opened the two boxes of pizza and then put the box of cheesy chips in the middle. I could tell Beca was staring at me again but this time it wasn't my arse she was distracted by, I could tell she was looking at my face. My cheeks turned bright, as red as my hair. I sat back down and got myself comfy on Beca's bed and I looked over to her. She then looked up at me with a wide smile on her face.

Beca's (POV)

I swear Chloe is going to think I'm a fucking psycho for staring. But I just can't help it... She is just and amazing girl who I have missed so much! I can't lose her it would kill me inside, I've been struggling without her I really don't want her to go again...

Okay stop thinking and just eat, I looked up at Chloe with I huge smile on my face, I'm so happy she's here with me...
I was the first one to grab a slice of pizza, Chloe then did the same... We both ate in a comfortable silence, I didn't feel awkward and I hope Chloe didn't either.

I really felt like I needed to say something it's not because I felt awkward its because she needs to know...
"Chloe?" I said as I put down my slice of pizza and looked up at Chloe.

"Yes Beca?" Chloe asked as she put her slice of pizza down into the box.

"Look, ermm I just want to say... I-I really appreciate you being here with me, I kinda don't want you to leave... I've missed you so much since graduation," I said with a lot of nervousness in my tone of voice, I was scared about what she was going to say.

"Beca, I'm always here for you, I'm not going anywhere okay, and I've missed you too hobbit," Chloe said with a wink.

That was a better reaction than what I was expecting, I thought she'd think I'm a weirdo or something for saying that I missed her...

"Just, please don't leave me?" God now my eyes are forming hot tears, fucking great she's going to think I'm pathetic.

"Becs, don't get upset, what's brought all this on? Look at me Beca?" Chloe said with concern in her tone of voice.

I gave in and looked up at Chloe, now both of our eyes were forming tears...

"I'm not going to leave you Becs, you're my best friend I can't lose you again, those last six months were so different without, you but not a good different. I missed you so much," Chloe said, I couldn't keep my eyes off of her, she was crying and now I was crying... Why am I so fucking emotional? All of this distance ruined us both, Chloe missed me and I've been fucking depressed because of all of this, nothing was normal until Chloe came over, I'm so glad I asked her now... But the sad part is that Jesse is out to get me again... I don't want Chloe to get hurt. I can't lose her, if I lose her I'll lose myself again and I think this would be something that couldn't recover from...

Me and Chloe just hugged each other for a while because I think we both really needed it...

We then continued eating all of the food we ordered and spent the rest of the night reliving the fun and exciting memories of college days and also the Bella's. I don't want this night to end...

Hey I'm really sorry that I've taken so long to update. I've had a lot going on with college and some personal issues, but now I've got some time off so hopefully my updates will be more consistent, but I would just like to say a big thank you to all of those who have been reading my story and also thank you so much for being so patient 😘 hope you like this chapter, sorry it's a short one but there's more to come so don't you worry!

Later weirdos 😘

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