Chapter 6-Tragedy

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Chloe's (POV)

The doors just burst open and their were three people standing their, each of them were holding a gun in their hand. Everyone was shocked by what was happening.

I thought I recognised one of them, ugh no, my mind must be playing tricks on me why would I even recognise any of them.
The main guy shouted for us to get down on the ground, I glanced over at Beca as we were lowering ourselves down to the ground and her eyes were glassy, I could tell tears were forming but she was trying her best to hold back the water works. I gave her a weak smile. I just hated seeing Beca upset, I soon realised that my mascara started running down my face.

"Well well well, what do we have here. Little DJ haha, now aha, who knew that you'd be here today," the man crouched down to Beca's level Beca just looked down to the ground. I was trying to listen to see if I could recognise his voice but it was muffled by his balaclava.

The man lifted up Beca's chin with his hand gun so Beca was forced to look at the strange man in the eye...

Beca's (POV)

"Why can't you just leave me alone, I'm fed up of you doing this to me," I said in a whisper, I didn't want to get hurt by shouting. Why is he back I thought he was long gone will he ever give me a break, just as my life was getting better this happens.

"Because, Beca, YOU are the slag that thought you'd leave me for that piece of shit over there, I mean are you fucking kidding me, you left me for a fucking girl, you left me for Chloe fucking Beale, what the fuck is wrong with you?!" The man shouted and pointed to Beca's left, and she followed the direction on which the man was pointing in...

It was Chloe, he was was pointing to Chloe. She looked so confused like a lost puppy and there were tears falling down her face, and her cheeks were red and puffy. I just wanted to hug her till this ended, till she stopped crying, and until I could see her beautiful face with a beautiful smile on it again...

"What, so you expect me to do, seriously, were you just expecting me to just sit there whilst you complain about my best friend, I'm sorry but you don't treat people like that, and you treated me like a piece shit when we were together and all this just because I'm friends with her. You are out of fucking order, just get a grip will you!" I was now raising my voice I couldn't help it, I was pissed, he doesn't get to talk about Chloe like that, we both stood there infront of each other and then the he moved his hands to his neck and began to remove his balaclava to reveal the face beneath... Jesse... He was towering over me and he suddenly grabbed me and he had a tight hold on me...

Chloe's (POV)

Wait a minute... It's Jesse... Is this a joke? What is wrong with him? He is freaking crazy. The two other people working with him were walking at a slow pace and were aiming their guns at the other victims in Taco Bell. This shit was pretty crazy. And it got worse... He then ran towards me and grabbed me, freeing Beca. He held tight so I couldn't get out of his death grip, I was that tight I was in a lot of pain because of it.

"LET ME GO!" I was screaming and tears were rolling down my face like a waterfall. I was so scared my body was going all over the place, hoping to be free from Jesses hold on me.

I saw Beca she was clenching her fists, she looked really angry.

"You let go of her, NOW JESSE!" Beca screamed and then pointed at Jesse as she slowly walked towards us.

"Piss off you whore!" Jesse retorted with anger.

"Fuck you!" Beca shouted and launched at Jesse, and I just fell to the ground and I tried to get out of the way. They were both tackling each other and the others were just watching the scene. Jesse had dropped his gun and it disappeared under one of the seats, it was too difficult to get to it so they were just punching at each other. They both had faces full of blood. I hated to see Beca like this, all hurt, it hurt me.

I had no idea what to do. I was so scared. More for Beca than myself. I really don't want to lose her...

Beca had hold of his throat and she was on top, trying her best to choke him. But Jesse used the rest of his strength to push Beca off of him. She flew into some chairs and she got up as fast as she could while Jesse was trying to even out his breathing...

Then I saw something shine in Jesses hand...

"NOOOO!!!" I screamed my heart out. This can't be happening...


Jesse sprinted towards Beca and used the shining weapon to stab her in the stomach. It was a knife...

Beca just stared at me, her eyes were full of fear, tears and sadness. I just can't lose her...

She then fell to the ground.

I ran to Jesse feeling angry and pretty scared at the same time. I jumped on him till he was on the ground and I smacked the knife away out of his hand so he didn't even get the chance to do the same to me and I just kept punching him. I wasn't going to give up. He deserve what's coming to him.

"YOU CREEP, YOU FUCKING CREEP, SHE'S DONE NOTHING TO YOU!!!" I was screaming! I couldn't handle this. I just can't lose Beca, not then I've just got her back.

"It was worth it, all just to hurt you," he gave me a really creepy smile and slapped me and he then pushed me off and ran out of the door with his accomplices. My cheek was stinging like crazy but I didn't care. I hope karma bites him in he backside. Once they were gone I knew we were safe and I sprinted to Beca's side. Someone was phoning for the ambulance and the police, they should be here soon...

This whole situation was a massive shock to everything. This doesn't happen everyday...

"Beca, BECA! Stay with me okay, everything is going it be okay," After I said that Beca then reached her hand up to cup my cheek.

"Chloe, are you okay he didn't hurt you did he?" Beca asked with worry in her voice.

"No I'm fine, I'm more worried about you though Becs," I said this in a concerned way and Beca just smiled, how could she be smiling when all of this has happened...

"You're so cute when you care," Beca then moved her hand to hold mine, she held on tight. Like it was the last thing she will be able to touch

"Beca I'm always going to care, you mean everything to me, I can't lose you, not now," Beca's smile just got wider.

"I love you too..." Beca said in a whisper and slowly her eye lids slipped shut.

"No, No, No! Beca! Stay with me!" I was shaking her in an attempt to bring her back to me. Then the paramedics came rushing in to help Beca.

The paramedics put Beca on a stretcher I hated seeing her in such a horrific state, I just wanted to make everything better for her. It should have been me that got stabbed, not her. The paramedics them placed her into the ambulance and then we were off in a flash...

This was a race to save Beca's life...

Will Beca survive. What will happen... Find out in the next upload.😉 hope you've all enjoyed this story so far because I've had a great time writing it. Get what I did with Taco Bell. Anna Kendrick has a dirty little secret for Taco Bell 😉

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