Chapter 6

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Craig POV

~Night at the Club~

When I got back to the club it was empty and my boys were clearing up some bodies. I knew they could handled that.

I ain't even in the mood to talk to anyone. King started walking towards me. Nigga looked nasty as fuck. Blood all up on him and shit. I dapped him up.

"Yo wassup. What went down?" I asked in a curious voice.

"Niggas were shooting left and right but with no aim at all. But you know that lil nigga Matthew right?" He asked me. Just the mention of Matthews name makes me want to kill a nigga right there and then.

"Yah I know him. He tried to get with Ariela before. Only reason why I didn't kill his ass was because Ari begged me not to." I said through clenched jaws.

"Really? That nigga stay harassing her ass at school and everywhere. I would have been clocking his ass if Ariela was my sister." He said. I just shrugged.

"Nigga what does his pussy ass have to do with this anyways." I asked taking a seat.

"Well he is with TGG. He was looking for Ari." He said looking as confused as I probably did.

"I can not have this bullshit. Ima kill him if he try's to fuck with my sister. You know I don't trust anyone round my sister but I need you to keep her at your place. I'm gonna pack up some of her shit and her friends. Ima need you to watch them for a little bit. I might switch their school maybe. Can you do it?" I said to him. I'm not a crazy overcontrolling brother. I only am when I got to and this is real shit and I got to. I know Ari bout to be pissed off but I don't care. It's what is best.

I headed to my dads house to tell him all about what went down. I got in and Snake, his bodyguard, said he was in his office. When I opened his office door the strong smell of weed hit my face.

"Hey pops. Wassup" I said dapping him up and sat down. He had 5 already rolled blunts on his table and I lit one up. Lord knows I needed it.

"You are truly my son. So what happened? I heared alot of shit but I wanna hear it from you. I heard some shit about Matthew looking for Ari and she was at the club?" He asked. I took a long drag from my blunt before I decided to speak.

"You heard right pops. Her slick ass snuck out and went to the club with King and J. She can't listen to save her own damn life. TGG came in shooting up everywhere and I grabbed her and Dayja and bounced." I explained

"Where they at now?" He asked with suspicion.

"She is up in Kings crib." I said finishing my blunt. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"You lucky you took her to a niggas place I trust." I just nodded my head and headed upstairs to pack Ariela and Dayja's clothes. I went to drop them off and went home. When I got home Carly's ass was there. I decided to let her live with me just in case that baby is mine. When I walked in she ran up to me and hugged me. I didn't even bother hugging back. I can't love these hoes.

"Omg baby. I was so worried are you ok?" She asked looking for scratches.

"I'm fine and how many fucking times must I tell you that you are not my main. You just here for the babies sake." I said then walked upstairs. I changed and layed down. Five minutes later she came into my room with my phone and started cussing me out.

"You bitch ass nigga. You're so useless. I'm gonna pray that this baby isn't yours. It deserves I real man not yo pussy ass. Who the fuck is Lina? Huh?" She yelled in my face.

What got me really mad was when she spat in my face. I quickly hopped up and pushed her into the wall and grabbed her neck. She was gasping for breath and asking for me to let go.

"Are you stupid bitch? Don't forget your ass is in my crib. You are nothing but a hoe and I will NEVER make you wifey. Lisa in my ROD. Something you're not. Disrespect me and touch my shit again and I will kill yo ass. Try me hoe." With that I let her go. I slipped on my converse and grabbed my phone. I stormed out the house and headed over to Lisa's crib.

Marcus POV

I took Ari to the hospital and she was alright. She just has a bad swollen knee. She on crutches for a couple of weeks. I actually found out that she has broken stuff before and I know exactly what from. We were on our way home and I decided to ask her.

"Ariela, how did you hurt yourself so many times?" She hesitated for a second so I knew she was gonna lie.

"I am a huge clutz." She said but I can tell a lie from far away.

"It's alright lil mama. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I said. I hate when people lie to me but I don't know Ariela like that anyways so I'm not expecting her to tell me her life story.

We finally got home and she tried going in without help. I had to hold in my laughter because she was struggling.

"Lemme just help you ma." I said between laughs. I jogged over to her and bent down so that she can hop on my back.

"Thank you" She said and kissed me on my neck.

"That's my spot Ariela. Be careful." I said laughing. She buried her head into my back.

"Trust me, I'm not trying to do anything." She said in a low voice. I know she can't handle.

"I bet so considering you a virgin anyways." I looked over my back and her face totally dropped. "It's pretty obvious so don't look at me like that." I said opening her room door.

"Sorry" She apologized.

"Yup" I layed her on her bed. "Take a quick nap. I have some people coming over soon." She just nodded so I knew she was basically sleep.

I went downstairs and waited for everyone. My niggas Chris, Eric, and Slim were coming over.







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