Chapter 25: Larissa Nichole August

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(Nicole's P.O.V.)

April 17th

Today is the day that Roc is out here for tour for a week and a half. I was excited about a week ago about him coming. But now i don't because... Yeah.

Me: Ahh! She is kicking the hell out of me!

Leia: Well this is kinda what you signed up for when you and Roc-

Me: - Shut up! I know.

Leia: Aha so what do you want to do today?

Me: I don't know, i was thinking about going to the mall later own.

Leia: Alright. I wanna go. I wanna get Princeton something.

Me: Alright. At least you have someone to buy something for.

Leia: Don't be so down Nicole. At least give him the chance to explain. He's been calling you non-stop.

Me: I did give him the chance to explain and that bitch Breaunna picked up his phone so fuck him.

Leia: Looks at me with a straight face.

Me: Don't look at me like that.

Leia: What ever go get dressed.

Me: I already am dressed. You go get dressed.

Leia: Oh heck no! Your not going anywhere with me looking like i just picked you up from off the street.

Me: Haha. Whatever for get you. I'll be done in 30.

***1 hour later***

Leia: Yeah that totally was 30 minutes.

Me: Haha yep i agree.

Leia: Yeah if 30 minutes is two times that.

Me: Yeah cause it is. Huh Larissa?

Leia: Who's that?

Me: Your cousin/ niece.

Leia: Aww! When did you decide to name her that?

Me: Mom said she wanted me to name her that. She didn't tell me why though. But what ever. I've always liked that name anyway.

Leia: Yeah it's a cute girly name. And why did you say cousin/ niece?

Me: Because your like my sister so your going to be her auntie. You and London.

Leia: Aww! I feel special. Cheeeck!

Me: Cheeeeck! *We rub our cheeks together*

Leia: Aha lets go.

(Leia's Outfit)

(Nicole's Outfit)

Me: *We get in the car*

Leia: Wait hold up. where's my phone?

Me: I don't know.

Leia: Let me see your phone really quick.

Me: No.

Leia: Why not?!

Me: Because i said so.

Leia: *Grabs my phone and looks at my lock screen* Aww. This is too cute! So you do miss him (Picture in her outfit)

Me: Just call your damn phone and give me my phone back.

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