Chapter XXXV

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Three horses grazed within an enclosure formed from stone posts and rails, lush grass seemingly untouched as they meandered through the pasture. A glimmer of the river flowed through one corner of the field, allowing them a place to drink. 

The path ended at a stone barn, several birds preening happily on the ridgepole. An arena of fine white sand sat just behind the building and Matthaios's jaw had dropped. Lepidas laughed, a deep rumble that startled the avian flock,sending them fluttering away in a muddle of magenta feathers.

"The horses are real? This is part of my training?" Matthaios checked, disbelieving. Excitement welled in his chest, and he couldn't stop himself approaching the field and leaning against the fence.

"Yes, and yes. Have you ever ridden?"

"Only motorbikes," the dark-haired boy mumbled, watching the elegant toss of the horses' heads and the way they picked through the grass toward them. A tall bay was at the forefront, flanked by a smaller black mare and a little grey pony.

That one has to be for Bobby, Matthaios immediately thought, eyeing the cheerful looking pony with amusement. It stood no higher than his hip.

"Well, I am your riding instructor," Lepidas said with a chuckle. "They've been brought here as a result of your destiny, I believe. I can only guess what is in your 'book', but Chronos seemed hellbent on you learning to ride."

The bay dipped a soft muzzle into his hands, and he rubbed a hand across it's forehead.

Matthaios shook his head in disbelief.

"When do we get started?"

"Right now. I'll show you the barn, and we'll start from scratch."

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Rich's skin was unusually flushed as he used a towel to wipe sweat from his brow. Spathos clapped him on the shoulder.

"Good work. You're becoming much faster, much better reflexes," the Corybante praised.

Rich tossed the towel onto a bench, sliding his broadsword into the leather scabbard buckled at his waist. He nodded, allowing himself a brief moment of pride. 

"What do you want me to work on?" he asked, thinking ahead as he pulled the card out of his pocket and consulted his timetable. He had an hour or so of free time before lunch and lessons with Chronos.

I might as well make use of it.

The Corybante paused, reconsidering his charge.

"Strength and agility are key qualities in any swordsman," Spathos said, shrugging a shirt over his sweat drenched torso. "The obstacle course, any weight training, boxing or sparring... all of those would be useful to you."

Rich nodded his thanks and they parted ways, the lad heading to a water fountain situated in the corner of the gym to quench his thirst. He eyed the obstacle course for a moment, seeing that Lissa and Ichyros had just finished with it. She looked exhausted, giving him a brief wave before she headed back to the hall. He unbuckled his scabbard and left it on the bench, eyeing the various challenges. 

It can't be that hard, he reasoned, throwing himself into it with vigour.

Two circuits later and he was doubled over, his eyes stinging as sweat streamed across his face. 

Holy stinking shitballs, this is insane!

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They congregated in the hall at lunch time, Bobby dancing into the room chasing his card as it cartwheeled wildly across the tiles. Ben heaped two plates with sandwiches and potato salad, glancing around for a moment as the others assembled.

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