Were-Wolves Hybrids and Pheonixs Oh My! (Chaper 7)

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Sorry to anyone who thought this was a new chapter! I wanted to write an introduction so I had to shift everything around. I'm working on it! :)

Hey everyone! Over 150 reads and 20 votes!!! 😍 Can you believe it? Thankyou so much for reading it really means a lot to me! :3

What do you think of the new cover? Admittedly, I may have gotten bored and decided to change it randomly. Hehe.

Anyway, are you ready for the next chapter? Well, without further ado, chapter 7!

P.s. This chapter hasn't been edited yet. Sorry!


Chapter 7 (Were-Wolves, Hybrids and Pheonixs, Oh My!)

"...did you really have to drug her? I had everything under control..." Says a distorted voice.

"Your emotions are getting in the way, boy... Let me handle this.... take her.. Heavy... Now what I need you to do is..." I hear as my body is passed between two people. A cold chill running up and down my body giving me goosebumps on top of my goosebumps... So familiar.

"...why is she taking so long to wake up?.."

"I gave her enough.... To kill a rogue werewolf..."

"Are you insane?!"

"She'll be right..."

"Dad! You said... Would be... By now..." Says a voice, the words getting more distorted by the second.

"Leave... We can't have... Ruining... Plans... We need... She... Key..." I hear before the darkness pulls me under once more.


The warm sunlight hits my face, pulling me out of my slumber... Wait sunlight? My beds on the far side of the room how..? Oh shit, I think, as the previous nights events come rushing through my mind.

Ok, stay cool Em. I continue to breathe in and out deeply as if I was still asleep, so as not to alert anybody in the room that I was awake.

Grasping onto my elemental powers, I feel around for any other unnatural heat sources. I let out a silent breath of relief feeling no one else in the room beside a gecko in the far corner and a few small bugs circling the bedside lamp.

Rolling over I finally open my eyes, squinting at the bright light. This really is a horribly positioned bed.

I sit up, holding onto the edge of the bed still woozy from the drugs. I gasp as I take in my surroundings for the first time.

The room is filled with beautiful dark wood furniture, a stark contrast to the pale green bed spread. The base and head board of the bed is made up of twisted vines as if was still a living plant, braided into its unique and delicate looking shape.

There's a door to my right which looks like it might lead into a hallway and another dark wood door straight ahead, which I assume is a bathroom or a walk-in wardrobe.

A beautiful love seat sits in the far right corner in front of a fire, giving me a sense of home and belonging. Pfft, I feel right at home, where I'm being held hostage, seems ligit.

It is strange though, why have they got me in such a nice room?

'Tasha?' I ask through our mind link. 'Tasha? Hello can you hear me?'

'Em.. Where?.. Hello?.. Call.. Pack,' she tells me before she's disconnected from my mind.

"Damnit!" I mutter quietly to myself. Ok, so she want me to call my pack. How though? I've never used mind link before with them. I sit on the bed with my legs crossed and focus on my pack.

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