Chapter 5 ~ The Attack

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Back in the tent, everyone was cheering and dancing and laughing. All I could think about was the kiss, the way Cedric and I were in the moment. I liked it. I liked it a lot.

There was a noise outside that sounded like screaming. Mr. Weasley went out there to check it out. Ginny sat next to me while I was lost in my own thoughts, thinking about Cedric. "So how was it?"

I looked at her in confusion. "How was what?"

"The kiss, of course! Don't act like no one saw you two."

I blushed and then looked away and grinned. "It was okay."

"Okay? You were practically devouring his face!"

"I was not devouring his face!" Ginny gave me a serious look. "Okay, fine! It was amazing! It was the best first kiss ever!" I blurted out.

Everyone heard my outburst and turned to me. Hermione looked shocked at what I just said. "That was your first kiss?"

I blushed at her question. "No," I lied.

"Oh, don't lie to us, Max!" Fred shouted. "You just said it!"

"Shut up!" I said, covering my face.

Everyone, minus Ron, was laughing at me. I didn't regret the kiss, obviously, but now I was going to be the biggest joke once we got back to Hogwarts. I bet Malfoy was going to tease me every second I was there. On top of that, I bet he told all his Slytherin friends about what happened over the summer as well. That would be rich, once they all found out that Malfoy helped me for once.

"There's no one like Krum!" Ron changed the subject, talking about Viktor Krum. The twins started chanting things about Krum while making fun of Ron. "He's like a bird in the wind!"

"A bird in the wind, huh?" I asked him. "You're very creative with your words, Ronald."

"Shut up, Max," Ron told me. I laughed at him. "He's more than an athlete! He's an artist!" We all started throwing stuff at him once he said that.

"I think you're in love, Ron." Ginny grinned.

"Shut up," he replied.

"I think Max is in love, too," Harry chuckled.

"Shut up," I playfully whacked his arm.

Then Fred, George, and Harry started singing and throwing random stuff at each other. More screaming and yelling came from outside, even though I thought most of the yelling was coming from inside our tent.

"Sounds like the Irish got their pride on," George said.

"Oh, stop reminding me!" I yelled, reminiscing how I thought for sure that the Irish was going to lose.

Mr. Weasley came in and stopped the boys. "Stop! Stop it! It's not the Irish. We gotta get out of here right now!"

The seven of us were confused, but we followed him outside, anyway. If I had known how crazy it was, I would've stayed inside. The entire campsite was chaotic. Everyone was running around and screaming. There was fire everywhere and almost every tent was burned to ashes. But we all knew what everyone was going after now. They were going after the Portkey to get out of here.

"Everyone needs to stick together! Fred, George, Ginny is your responsibility! We have to get to the Portkey!" After Mr. Weasley said that, he left us just standing there.

Then the twins and Ginny left us, leaving Ron, Hermione, Harry, and I just standing there. A bunch of people came running towards us, which left us with no choice but to run with them. But another bunch of people came running in the opposite direction. That was how we lost Ron and Hermione.

"Harry! Max!" Hermione kept yelling. Ron was pulling her back, telling her that they couldn't come back and get us. We were on our own now. Harry spotted a group of people, chanting something over and over again. They were wearing masks, so we couldn't tell who they were.

"Harry, who are those people?" I asked him.

"I don't know, Max. We just have to get out of here and find the others!" he replied. After he said that, I started screaming, clutching my head. However, Harry was perfectly fine. "Max, you okay? What is it?"

I started screaming in pain. Harry fell to the ground, due to the chaotic people running into us. He hit his head hard. That was when he fell and didn't wake up. I felt someone kick me in the head and I fell also, lying beside Harry. Everything went black.


When I woke up, I wasn't in St. Mungo's. In fact, I was in the same spot I was in when I fell. Harry was right beside me, also waking up from his fall. I was all dirty and wet from the mud and water. I didn't even know how the water got there, but it was all over me. My back was hurting, too. In fact, my entire body was hurting. However, my scar was perfectly fine.

"You okay, Max?" Harry asked me as he helped me up.

"I'm fine, you?" I asked.

"Never been better," he replied. "We have to find the others."

I nodded and began to follow him. But then I saw someone shouting a spell and what looked like a skull appeared in the sky.

"Harry, look," I said, pointing at the man.

"Who is that?" he asked.

Then the man started running after us. We both ran behind what used to be a tent. The man left after he heard Ron and Hermione shouting our names. I tried to get a good glimpse at the man, but I was too far to see his face.

"We've been looking for you two for ages!" Ron exclaimed once they found us. "Thought we lost you two." Hermione hugged me tightly, not wanting to let go of me. The four of us looked up at the sky and saw the skull.

"What is that?" Harry asked. But then he started screaming in pain like I was before we were knocked unconscious. Then I started screaming in pain, pressing on my scar. But after it stopped hurting, we noticed that we were surrounded by men.

"Stupefy!" They all yelled at once. Each spell came flying at us at once.

We all fell to the ground with Harry on one side of me and Hermione on the other. But suddenly, I heard a voice that belonged to Mr. Weasley.

"Stop! That's my son!" he cried, referring to Ron. "Are you four alright?"

"We came looking for Harry and Max," Ron explained.

"Which one of you conjured it?!" A man came up to us and pointed his wand at all four of us.

"Crouch, you can't possi--"

"Do not lie!" he interrupted Mr. Weasley. "You've been discovered at the scene of the crime!"

"Crime?" Harry asked.

"Are you mad?" I asked him.

"Barty! They're just kids," Mr. Weasley said to him.

"What crime?" Harry asked again.

"It's the Dark Mark, you two. It's his mark," Hermione whispered to us.

"Voldemort?" we said at the same time.

"Those people tonight, in the masks, they're his, too, aren't they? Like, they're his followers?" I asked.

Mr. Weasley nodded. "Death Eaters."

The man named Crouch looked at Mr. Weasley with fear. "Follow me," he told everyone else.

But before he was out of sight, I stopped him. "There was a man before," I said. He pointed over at the spot where we saw him. "There."

"All of you, this way!" Crouch said. Him and everyone else that was with him followed.

"A man, Max? Who?" Mr. Weasley asked him.

"I don't know," I replied.

"We didn't see his face," Harry added.

I wished we did. But that was the least of our worries. What was bothering me was before we passed out, my head was hurting like crazy. It was as if someone got into my head and took over, and I had a feeling I knew who that person was:

Lord Voldemort himself.

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