Chapter 1 ~ A Proper Wake Up Call

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It was a quiet night. A man was making tea in the middle of the night. It was an older man. He saw a light shine through the window at the house that resided across from him. Curious, he grabbed his lamp and went over to investigate. It seemed like he was a Muggle caretaker. Something was going to happen to him.

Something very bad.

"Bloody kids," he kept on saying.

The man walked through the graveyard, getting chills down his spine while walking quickly. After knocking several times, no one answered the door, so he went in.

There were noises coming from upstairs. Everything inside was dark and creepy. Echoes were filling up the house as the man was walking up the steps. With each step he took, they would creak loudly. A house like this would not just be some ordinary haunted house. This was the Riddle house.

He walked slowly towards a cracked door that looked like no one was in there. Suddenly, he heard talking coming from inside and a man running over to someone's side. The old man was scared, but curious all at once.

"My Lord," someone whispered. He whispered some other things, which made the figure on the couch yell.

"Don't! Both of them are everything!"

All of a sudden, a snake slithered passed the man, went into the room, and worked its way up the couch. It sounded like the snake was actually talking.

The figure whispered again, "Nagini tells me that the old Muggle caretaker is standing outside the door." A creepy and ill-favored person came to the door, looking at him. It was Peter Pettigrew, also known as Wormtail. "Step aside, Wormtail, so I can give our guest a proper greeting." Wormtail smirked at the man and did as he was told. "Avada Kedavra!" A green light hit the man.


I woke up, gasping and panting. I was sweating everywhere. The scar on my forehead was hurting. Yes, I had a scar as well. Harry wasn't the only one who got a mark that night. I looked around and saw that I was still in my bedroom at some random house that didn't even belong to the Malfoys. Or the house that would haunt me for the rest of my life.

The beatings from Lucius got more frequent ever since I stepped foot in the house. I was also having nightmares almost every night.

I packed up my things in my trunk. My clothes, my wand, some Muggle books, my Hogwarts letter that had a list of supplies for this year, the latest copy of the Daily Prophet, and my letters from Harry and Sirius. Sirius wrote to us a lot this summer. Now, him and Buckbeak were fugitives and they were probably on the run somewhere. I closed up my trunk and sighed. I didn't know how I was going to escape without making too much noise, but I just had to get out of here.

I decided to climb out of the window. I opened the window and threw my trunk in the bushes. I carefully climbed down and landed in the bushes. Grabbing my trunk, I left the house and began to walk down the street.

As I was walking, I noticed two figures coming from the sky. When they got closer to the ground, I widened my eyes, realizing who it was when they got on the road and stopped right beside me on their brooms.

It was Fred and George.

"Hello, Max," they both said at the same time.

I laughed at them. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Rescuing you, of course," Fred replied. At least I thought it was Fred. "We were told by your brother that you ran away from your aunt and uncle's house."

I nodded my head. "Yeah, I had to get out of there," I said, knowing it wasn't a complete lie.

"Well, come on!" George said.

"What about my trunk?" I asked. "I can't make it smaller with my wand. I'm not allowed to use magic outside of school."

"That's why we brought you this," George said, pulling out a small bag

"A bag?" I asked as he threw it towards me.

"It has an Undetectable Extension Charm," Fred explained. "We nicked it from Percy. Your trunk will be able to fit in there, trust me."

I grabbed my trunk and was surprised that Fred was right as I put it in the bag. After that, I got on Fred's broom. I smiled at both of them as we took off for the Burrow.

On the way to the Burrow, the three of us talked about random things. Hogwarts, Quidditch, Malfoy and his stupid self, and pranks to pull at Hogwarts. It had been a while since I laughed, it felt good to actually smile again.

We arrived at the Burrow around five in the morning and everybody was just waking up. We placed the brooms back in the shed. I followed Fred and George, staying behind them when we got to the door. One of them motioned me to be quiet while smiling. I was trying not to laugh.

"Where have you boys been?!" I heard Mrs. Weasley yell from inside. "You just left at four in the morning with no note?!" I could hear the twins trying not to laugh.

"How did you know we left at that time?!" Fred asked. "Are you stalking us now?"

"Watch it, Fred!" Mrs. Weasley snapped.

"Sorry, Mum, we had to pick up something important," George said as they both stepped aside so Mrs. Weasley could see me. I smiled at her and at everyone at the table.

"Oh, Max!" Mrs. Weasley came up to me and hugged me tightly. Her squeeze was making my whole body hurt from the scars and bruises I had all over me. She finally pulled back and smiled. "They didn't do anything else that was completely stupid, did they?" she asked.

I shook my head, laughing. "No, they didn't. They behaved for the most part."

Mrs. Weasley smiled at me again. Then Hermione ran up and hugged me, but not as tight. Then Ron, then Mr. Weasley, Ginny, and finally Harry. His hug was the best out of all of them.

"Tell me what happened later," he whispered in my ear.

I nodded after he pulled away. "I will."

I sat down with everybody else to eat breakfast while Mr. Weasley got my trunk from the bag he took from the twins and put it in Hermione and Ginny's room. Because I was completely famished, I stuffed my mouth with all the food I could find on the table.

We all talked about how this year was going to be fun and it was going to be the best year ever. Even though we said that last year and it turned out to be a dangerous year for all of us with Sirius Black, who was a murderer, everyone thought. But everyone who was sitting at the table knew that he wasn't a killer.

Today, Mr. Weasley was taking Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Fred, George, Harry, and me to the Quidditch World Cup. Mr. Weasley also said that his friend from the Ministry of Magic and his son would be joining us. According to Mr. Weasley, he was in his sixth year at Hogwarts and he was in Hufflepuff. His name was Cedric Diggory.

We left around seven, bidding Mrs. Weasley goodbye and starting our journey.

A/N: HIIIIII! So this is the first chapter of Two Times the Flame! This is the sequel to Double Trouble, so read that one first before this one! Thank you. :)

Okay so now Max and Harry are in their fourth year! New year, new beginnings right? Ummmmm I don't think so...

Yeah so new year, new shit going down haha. ;) I'm so clever! And something might happen in the next chapter like...THEY MEET A GAY ELEPHANT NAMED CUPCAKE?! HAHA no. I wish that would happen though...

But I'm sticking to what I have now! :)

I'm just saying, it feels weird not working on Double Trouble anymore. Like, everyday I would work on it, and now I'm on the sequel. It's just weird, but exciting

BYE FREAKS! ;) Jayykayy I love y'all! <3333333


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