Chapter 7: Mission: Fame Possible

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Ross' POV

Today's the day. The day Laura's dream comes true. Maybe even mine, too. I'm dressed in casual clothes just like any other interview, and so is everyone else. I always end up being first ready because of the sleepiness of my siblings. They can't seem to understand that sleep is something you get to do in school and it's optional at night. I lazily fall on the couch in the game room after breakfast while waiting for the others when suddenly, Laura sneaks up behind me and shouts, "Boo!" scaring me out of my skin. I hate to admit it, but I scream like a girl and Laura finds the fact so hilarious that she does anything to scare me as often as possible.

"Shit! Laura! Don't do that! You scared the living daylights out of me!" I screeched at her.

"That's what I was going for!" Laura was laughing so much that she could hardly breathe. Finally catching her breath, Laura stands up when my mouth drops open. Her definition of dressing casual must be way different than mine. Laura had her hair in a fishtail side braid with a black crop top, green skinny jeans, and beige heels. How is it feasible that I look like trash and Laura is a princess? I was caught in a trance staring at her for so long that she snapped in front of my face, bringing me back to reality.

"Ross? You okay? You were staring off into space," Laura looks concerned at me.

How embarrassing. I was just caught staring at Laura. Now she'll think I'm a creepy pervert. "Yeah, I'm fine. I was only... thinking."

There was an awkward silence between us when thankfully, everyone else came running down, breaking the silence. I mentally thanked them when we directed our attention to Riker when he cried out, "Let's go guys! The limo is already waiting outside!"

Yeah, I know a limo sounds very resplendent for a ride to an interview, but hey, we're rich. We can do whatever we want with our money. 


At our recording studio, which was where the interview was set up, a girl named Marissa introduced us one by one. First came Ratliff, then Rydel, Rocky, Riker, and finally me. We all took a seat on the dark blue fabric couches that had quite a bit of room. Perfect. Laura will fit right in.

This 'Marissa' girl was young and decent looking with straightened dirty blond hair and an approvable figure. I'm obviously not saying she's jaw-dropping or anything because nothing could ever compare to Laura. "Alright, let's get started, shall we?" Marissa questioned with a cheery voice, and everyone agreed.

"Let's get right to it. I know all the R5er's are here for you guys and your new single, so let's hear it!" Marissa voiced.

I smiled hearing the applause from the audience. This is it. It's about to happen. "Of course. I have a feeling everyone will be surprised," I hand over the flash drive containing "Me and You" and Marissa plugs it into a laptop. When she presses play, immediate confusion stirs about the place.

It might seem bad that we always take credit for Laura's songs, but no one knows she exists, except us, and she insisted it was fine for us to accept all the praise. I always thought there was something hidden in her voice when she told me this, and now I know why. She won't have to hide behind lies after today.

Laura comes with us to interviews, but all the while being hidden from cameras and the audience. She watches the live broadcast on a TV in our dressing room all the time. Boy will she be surprised when she hears her voice on the telecast.

The confusion continues when Marissa perplexedly asks, "Um, is this Rydel? I don't think so. Did you give me the wrong flash drive?" Marissa asked.

I snuck a look at R5 and, just like me, they all had a mile wide smile on them. I responded with, "This is the right song, but this isn't Rydel. All you R5er's that came out here today to support us, thank you. You don't know how thankful we are for your presence, but we have to tell you something. This voice you're hearing is Laura Marano, our songwriter," everyone started talking amongst themselves. "That's right. We've had a secret songwriter ever since our band formed. Laura writes every song we have ever sang."

"We're sorry we didn't announce this before, but we thought Laura wanted to be kept a secret. But this was bound to get out at one point," Rydel finished off for me.

Marissa and everyone else were dumbstruck. "Wow, that's quite some news for us. Say, when will we get a chance to meet Laura?" Marissa questioned.

This is going perfectly as planned. "Right now. She's backstage. I'll go get her," I say as I race towards the dressing room to find Laura inside, open-mouthed at the TV. She turned to face me with excitement all over her face, and I could tell my heart skipped a beat when she looked at me.

"Ross? You did this all for me? You didn't premiere the new R5 song just for me?" Laura was taken back.

"No, the song didn't premiere because of you. Laura, you're everything to me, I-I mean R5," I stutter. "We couldn't be where we are without you. It was time you got the recognition you deserve. That's why I designed this plan for you. R5 would never be able to write songs the way that you do. I know you don't expect anything in return, but this was the least we could do. Think of it as another way for us to say that we love you," I warmly reply from my heart.

She was smiling while her eyes were sparkling. "Thank you so much, Ross. I love you guys, too," Laura then pulled me into a hug.

It was quiet for a while with my head on hers until we heard, "Aww!" we slightly pulled back, confused on why we were hearing the studio audience.

Right then, Riker popped into the room, saying, "You know your mic's still on, right?"


Hehe. I bet everyone knows where that moment was from. ;) 

Happy Thanksgiving and Rebecca Black Friday! <-- That was Calum's tweet from earlier tonight, haha.

I am currently counting down the hours until Santas & Surprises! Ahh! Can't wait!

Stephanie (yesifeelgoodr5)

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