Chapter 3: Concert

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Laura's POV

I've been really happy and sad lately. Weird, I know. Well, happy because R5 has been touring the US for about two months and I'm really happy for them. But sad because I know that I'll never have that. Ross is the only one that knows about me wanting to be famous, but who knows, he has a big mouth. Hopefully I can trust him enough so he won't tell anyone.

Tonight is the big Greek Theatre concert in LA! I'm really excited! Ross says he's been wanting to perform here forever, and now his dream's finally coming true!

Riker's POV

"Laura! Are you girls ready yet? We've been waiting for, like, forever!" Ugh. Girls take so long. Why can't they be like us guys? We just slap a random shirt on, slip on some random jeans, and messily, but sexily, mess up our hair. And maybe some cologne, rings, and R5 necklaces. Girls have to look "perfect."

"Calm down, Riker! It's only been forty-five minutes! And for your information we don't actually have to leave for five more minutes!" Rydel shouted over a hair dryer. Ugh, girls.

Ross was snoring on the couch while Rocky and Ell were playing some dumb video game.

"Ohhhh!" Rocky said. "I totally beat you! I have double your score!"

"What? No fair! You cheated!" Ellington countered.

"How can you cheat at Just Dance? We're playing right next to each other! I beat you fair and square!" Rocky gloated.

"You-you've played this before!" Ellington persevered.

"True. I do love Katy Perry," Rocky admitted. "But I still win! Ha! Who won? Rocky, that's right! And who lost? Oh, right, Ellington Ratliff!"

They started fighting about how cheating wasn't fair and something about a rematch until I broke it up when the girls came downstairs. "Guys! Let's go. Rydel and Laura are finally here." Ross startled awake. Sometimes I think Ross only hears what he wants to hear when he's sleeping. Like ignoring Rocky and Ellington's fight, but suddenly waking up when it's time to leave. Younger brothers, am I right?

Is it weird that Ross is staring at Laura right now? Hmm... something's up. Laura's like a little sister to me, so I'm really overprotective. I'm still kinda shaking my head at Rydellington.

Ross' POV

"Sorry, but we're not actually late, Riker," Laura said once she got to the bottom of the stairs. She always corrects people, but we still love her, especially me.

Laura looked stunning for someone who wasn't performing and didn't have to make an impression on anyone. She was wearing a sleeveless, white dress that stopped above her knees. It had a V-neck and wasn't too tight, and not too loose. It was perfect, like her. She had her hair straightened with a yellow barrette pulling the top half of her chestnut brown hair back along with yellow heels.

Why can't she be mine already? I pouted inside my head as we got into the limo to take us to sound check at the venue. The Greek Theatre LA! I can't believe it! I've always wanted to perform here since I was little. It's like Madison Square Garden or Times Square on New Year's Eve. Definitely a dream come true.


Laura's POV

It's five minutes until the show starts and I can tell Ross is nervous. He's standing in one place with his shoulders slightly slumped together, eyes wide and focused straight ahead, while gripping the microphone nervously with both hands. I know he's nervous because he was just like this on the night of the very first R5 performance.

"Ross?" I could tell the sound of my voice startled him, pulling him out of deep thought. This is strange because Ross says he tries to clear his mind before a concert so it would be easier to lose himself in the music. "Are you okay?"

"Um... yeah, sure. Whatever you say Laura," he stammered. This is not the Ross I know.

"Ross. What's wrong? Don't lie to me. I know you better than anybody."

He finally gave in. "Okay fine. I don't know what it is, but this concert just feels different."

"Probably because you've wanted to play here your whole life. I know it can be scary and exciting at the same time," I put my hand on his shoulder. "But just remember. Lose yourself in the music. Soon your fear will be gone."

"Thanks, Laur. I needed that." Ross looks over at me, smiling.

"Ross, it's time. Let's go," Rocky calls out.

Ross takes a deep breath. "Okay. See ya. Wish me luck," he says while running off.

I smile. He doesn't need it. I've never seen the Ross Lynch scared of performing. He always finds a way to make the fans' experiences unforgettable. That's one of the great qualities about him.

Tonight was no exception. He and R5 had flawlessly started playing their hearts out. Currently they were in the middle of "Dark Side."

"Hey, Laura," Ryland comes over to talk to me.

"Hey," I say almost mindlessly, trying to focus on R5.

"What's up? Why aren't you talking? Usually you're always saying how amazing they're doing," Ryland gestures to the stage.

"Sorry. I've been distracted lately," I say, hoping he won't ask any follow up questions.

"With what? Tell me. I've got nothing better to do."

"Well I'm sure glad that I'm not actually that important in your life," Oh, Ryland. "But I guess there's no hiding it now." I take a deep breath. After all, it's only Ryland. He wouldn't tell anyone, right? Here goes nothing. "I want to be famous."

A few seconds pass before he responds. "Wow! Really?! Never thought that would happen."

"What? You don't think I'm talented enough?" I'm just joking since I know Ryland doesn't mean it that way.

"No, I didn't mean it that way. It's just unexpected. Besides, you don't have to have talent to be famous. I mean, look at my family." Ryland jokes.

I laugh. "I just... don't know how it would ever happen," my expression changes from happy to sad.

Everything was quiet for a minute between us until Ryland spoke up. "Hey! I have an idea! Why don't you record a song with Ross' help, and then I can remix it because of my awesome DJ skills. It would be the perfect way to introduce you to music. I can mix it however you like. Remember my single, 'Fall Back in Love'? I guarantee you'll love the way it sounds. Then you'll definitely get to the top of the charts. How about it, Laura?"


There's chapter 3 for ya! Er, I can't believe I have to wait until January to hear Laura's new single. I almost died waiting for Teen Beach 2! Why, Laura?! What are you doing to me?

Ugh. I'll wait for Laura's album like I'm waiting for 2023. ;)

Stephanie (yesifeelgoodr5)

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