chapter 10: Idiocy

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"Although fear may be our weakness, it gives us our humanity."

One week. Seven days of avoiding the rich man who sat contained within the panels of his expensive and now cluttered room. Seven days to ponder the feelings that Daniel had triggered. Seven days to realize that Daniel had broken through the well built walls of my heart in only a matter of hours. Walls that I had maneged to keep up until the occurring events that had happened about a week ago.

The fear that had once occupied a large part in me as I stood over a slowly dying Daniel, had loosened a bit but been replaced with anger and guilt. Anger that Daniel would rather fuss about my broken wrist rather than take care of himself. If I'd truly known how bad it was I would have stopped him a long time before he even reached that stage. But now here I was, avoiding the man who had carelessly yet kindly risked his life for me all because he triggered many feelings I hadn't felt scince the mourning of my mother.

After the doctor exited Daniel's room hours later, he prescribed an hour of bed rest and some drugs. I hadn't stepped foot in or even near the room since then, but after about a day, Daniel had woken up. Although I'd never go check to see how he was I'd ask the housemaids or staff. Of course after the big bad boss had woken up he wanted to be released and ordered people to do so but I was set on giving him what the doctor had perscribed so I'd asked Vincent to get two men to keep him confined in his room. One of the younge housemaids had alerted me that Daniel had asked for my presence, but I'd sent her off with the excuse that I was too tired. As much as I'd wanted to see him, I couldn't, for Daniel had caused so many feelings that i couldn't harbor and seeing him would only fuel the guilt.

Now here I was sitting across from the man himself, eating Bacon strips and scrambled eggs. I'd glanced up at him as he entered but focused my gaze back on my food. It was fairly quiet besides the clanking of our forks against the dishes.

Daniel gazed at me confused but my eyes wondered around the room trying to focus on anything but him. He ran a frustrated hand through his hair and sighed, never once taking his gaze off of me.

"Aphrodite." He said glancing up at me, eger eyes waiting for my response.

"Daniel." I acknowledged him. Daniel's steel eyes scanned me looking for anything that may be wrong.

"Are you okay?" He asked. Me?! It was almost as if he wasn't on the brink of death a few days ago. It was as if my broken wrist was more important as his eyes focused on it.

"Are you seriously asking me that?" I asked, with passive anger. Although his actions were 'heroic' in a way, I was upset that he would rather fuss over a broken wrist than the piercing bullet wound on his shoulder.

"Well, you have been avoiding me. I haven't seen you for the whole week. So I ask you again, are you okay?" He asked, eyes peering into my soul. No I almost lost you and if I did I would have never been able to cope with the guilt, loss and fear you would have inflicted. I meet his gaze with my furious one.

"Daniel, you have been shot and put on bed rest for a week." I said my eyes trailing over his patched up shoulder and arm that rested within a sling. "You were in pain yet never said a word as you continued to fuss over my broken wrist and bleed out. When I had got back, you were struggling to keep your damned eyes open! So tell me Daniel, is it really me you should be fretting over? You may have took care of me and had my back, and for that I will forever be in your debt but you completely forgot how your loss would effect the people who cared about you. You left yourself to die, unaware how that would effect others." I said, tears fighting to be freed but I kept them in.

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