Chapter 8: Shinning Armor

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"Sooo." I dragged my word out as the guards led me out of the building. They stayed silent not even acknowledging my presence. Both men kept their heads facing foward, not even batting an eyelash. I sighed realizing that they weren't going to be talking to me anytime soon.

They led to the front gate of the garage where they greeted the awaiting man with a nod. The slightly older man tossed them a pair of keys and they mumbled a soft thank you as we made our way inside. We walked through the first floor and then suddenly stopped at the doors of an elevator.

Pressing the button we went inside and one of them pressed on the third floor. The ride was short and before I knew it the doors opened to reveal the third floor which was slightly darker than the first. I was dad though an isle of cars as my eyes wondered the walls of the garage. There were many cars and I was sure that they wernt cheap as the garage itself had a newer appeal to it. The sound of our steps echoed off the walls as we made a swift turn. Soon our footsteps were joined with many more. I whipped my head behind me to see that the rest of the garage was vacant. Stop being so paranoid, its probably nothing. Soon the sounds of heavy footsteps became louder as we continued walking.

"Do you hear that?" I asked the man to my left and before he could turn and answer me the sound of a gunshot vibrated off the walls. The mans eyes rolled back as he fell forward. Before my mind could process what happened another gunshot sounded and the other man feel forward. I jumped back with a yelp realizing that they weren't okay. Their eyes were wide open and glazed over, I watched as the light they once had in their eyes vanished.

"Don't move princess, wouldn't want to end up like them now would we?" I voice sounded from the end of the isle. Fear hit me as my eyes widened at the sight of the gun clutched in between his hands, aimed directly at me. The man sported a wicked grin with a evil glint in his eyes, his clothes slightly bloody but based on his ability to walk and function without any trouble I highly doubted it was his. He nodded at someone behind him and as be did two grungy looking men came out from behind him. The rugged men started to advance towards me as I stayed frozen in my spot. It was in times like this my boxing came in handy, I always knew that I could depend on people and I was going to back away now. One of the distasteful men lunged at me from the side managing to get ahold of me but before he could do anything else I elbowed him in the nose, feeling satisfied when I heard the slight crack signaling I had broken it. The man groaned and cupped his nose in pain, releasing me and backing away as blood dripped from it.

"Stupid bitch, get her!" He shouted at the other man. The second man came and grabbed me from behind, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and his other hand cupping my mouth. I squirmed in his hold as his nasty breath hit my face. He smelled of tobacco and beer and the disgusting stench had me scrunching up my nose in distaste.

"Don't move anymore, wouldnt want to cut such a pretty girl like you." He spat suggestively in my ear. I felt a shiver of disgust roll down my back and he removed the arm across my shoulder to grab something in his pocket. Knowing exactly what it was I brought my elbow back and hit him in his torso. His grip on me loosened and I spun in his arms, coming face to face with him as I brought my head forward, colliding it with his. He stubbled back a little and I swiped my legs under his own and he fell down. I turned around remembering that the other man would have most likely recovered by now to come face to face with exactly him. He grabbed my right hand by my wrist twisting it to the side. I attempted to ignore the shocks of pain flowing up my arm as he did so. Something black was peaking out of his pants and I soon realized it was a gun. I brought my knee up and kneed him right where the sun don't shine as the painful crack if my wrist sounded, telling me it was broken. The man instantly let go of my wrist and as he crouched I grabbed the gun, pulling it out. He crouched down and I kicked him once more but in the head which resulted in him falling down as well. I took the gun and aimed it as him as he looked up at me with humor dancing in his eyes.

"Go ahead shoot me." He said with a dry laugh. "You can't do it, too soft hearted just like your whore of a mother." He said as he spat up blood. I felt my body tense up at the mention of my mother. The mother they killed. I cocked the gun aiming it at his face. "Go ahead princess, do it. Show mommy and daddy how much of a big strong hoe you can be." Could I do it? Could I kill a man I'm cold blood. Like the way they once did to my mother. I had never killed and I didn't want to. How dare they talk of my mother like this?

"Disrespect me, I don't give a flying fuck. Disrespect my mother and I'll blow your brains out." I ground out at the man on the ground.

"Than do it princess, blow my brains out! Do it whore!" He shouted and my finger tightened on the trigger until a gunshot sounded in the room. The man fell to the side with blood pooling around his head. I didn't feel a speck of remorse or guilt. I knew what I was doing now all the fear or hesitation I had was now gone as I looked at his body. I had killed him but in reality this stupid excuse of a man deserved worse than an easy death. He deserved the suffering they put my mother through, all of them do. The sound of clapping sounded from the end of the isle brought me out of my thoughts. The third man looked at me with a humorous cheshire grinn and an evil glint with the depths of his eyes.

"Bravo! Bravo!" He shouted. "Never thought you had it in you." He said carelessly. Did this man not care that I had just killed one of his men? Had he no emotions? I doubt if he had any he would ever let them show. I looked down again and realized I was still aiming my gun at the now dead man. I brought the gun up once more and aimed it directly at the man's face.
"Woah princess! Why don't you just put the gun down and we will have a nice pleasant talk." He hummed. My eyes drifted to his right hand where a gun was clenched in between his fingers. He wasn't getting me that easy.

"I doubt there would be any talking." I snapped as I kept my gaze and gun aimed at him, monitoring his every move.

"Look bitch, I don't want to hurt you so come along easy and I won't hurt you... Too much." He said with a smirk. My body went rigid and he came a bit closer. My fingers tightened on the trigger as his own gun went up and was now aimed at my head. I felt no fear only anger.

"Over my dead body." I ground out. He nodded at somebody behind me and I felt the cold metal of a knife pressed against the skin of my throat and a large arm encircling my shoulders.

"Don't say thing you don't mean. If you come with us we won't hurt you, we might even pleasure you." The nasty man said in my ear. My body twitched in disgust but I kept my gaze firm and unwavering.

"Stop toying Zack, we need to get her to the boss." The other man's voice sounded. Zack breathed in my scent and clutched me a little tighter.

"True, but he never said we couldn't have a little fun with her first." Zack said in my ear. My whole body was shaking but from anger fused with fatigue yet I still held my gaze.

"I wouldn't count on it." And with that yet another gunshot sounded as the man behind me fell to the ground. The dark knife hit the ground with a clank. I watched as Daniel stood beside me out of the corner if my eye. The last gun man slowly put down his gun and as he did so I switched my aim to his left leg and fired, shooting him. He fell with a shout of pain and I lowered my gun still watching him as Liam pulled him up and cuffed him.

"Its about time." I said to Daniel but kept my eyes trained in the same spot. Daniel let out an exuasted laugh.

"Yeah well, there was a slight hold up." He said and I turned to see that Daniels head was cracked open and dry blood dripped down the side if his face. His shoulder was caked with blood and so was his dress shirt. My eyes widened at this.

"Good god! What happened?! Are you okay?!" I said rushing to inspect his head and shoulder. I winced as I put up my hand to touch his face but still proceeded on doing so.

"Are you okay? Let me see." He said looking me in the eyes as I nodded, silently consenting. He gently held my wrist as he inspected the discolored inflated joint. He glared at it before looking up at me. When he saw I was raising my eyebrow in confusion, he sighed and gently put it down.

"Let's go home." He said and I nodded as he led me to one of the cars. The only thing I wanted right now was to be in my room and cuddled up with a good book. Trouble seemed to follow me where ever I went.

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