chapter 9: A Thundering Pain

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"Daniel I'm fine." I groaned as Daniel rewrapped my wrist for the hundredth time today. He watched me as he poked my wrist and I winced. He gave me the 'I told you so' face and continued wrapping it. I huffed out a breath, frustrated.

"You are not fine, let me finish." He said as his eyebrows knited in concentration. He wasn't going to wrap this the appropriate way anytime soon, if he ever did he would have bleed out by then. He needed a hospital, but I was sure Daniel's pride was preventing him from seeking help from one. Well, that and that he was a wanted criminal.

Daniel had drove us straight home and insisted on taking care of wrist before fixing his shoulder. He acted as if being shot and getting your head cracked open was an everyday thing. So now here we were in the kitchen with me set on top of the counter and Daniel staring intently at my broken wrist. He finished wrapping it up and was still looking at it disapprovingly. Before he got any ideas of rewrapping my wrist again, I pulled my wrist out of his hold with a wince and frustrated growl. Daniels eyes snapped up to mine and he slightly flinched at the sight of my glare. I was weary of being treated like a porcelain doll, had the occurrences of today not proved anything to him. Weak, was not a word to describe me.

"Enough!" I shouted. "I don't care how horribly you've wrapped up my hand but I could care less. For god's sake Daniel, you've been shot and yet your still fussing over my broken wrist." I snapped as I hopped down from the counter and proceeded to grab hold of his un injured arm, nearly dragging him up the stairs and into the confined panels of his bedroom. I forced him down onto the bed and ripped open his blood stained white sleeved dress shirt, buttons flew everywhere but my main goal was to make sure Daniel didn't bleed to his doom. Besides he had enough money to buy millions more of those shirts, designer or not. I inspected the bullet wound which was still bleeding but had halted a little due to one of my blue cardigans I had found lying around. Blood caked up around the injury and Daniel groaned breifly as my fingers ventured out and touched the bullet inflicted wound. This man needed medical attention and no amount of his persuading or pleading would convince me otherwise.

"Stay here." I said and took off hurrying to the gaping door of his room. Daniel winced a little as he shifted slightly in bed. The sight had me panicking, causing my heart to beat roughly against my restraining rib cage. I scampered out and down the stairs but colided with a short body on my way. I looked up to see one the younger housemaids.

"Sorry for troubling you but do you by any chance know any doctors that Daniel would get attention from if he were sick or injured?" I asked my eyes hopeful as I panicked. The hastening beat of my heart thundering caused my ears to slightly ring and buzz, yet I remained somewhat focused at the task at hand.

"No I'm sorry but I could always ask one of the older workers, I'm positive one of them may know." She said with wide eyes.

"Thank you, but please hurry." I said with a relieved sigh. The large weight in my chest loosened a little but still hung there.

"Of course, I'll alert you when I've found the doctor's number and called him. What shall I ask him to bring?" She called to me, hurriedly.

"Anything for bullet wounds." I replyed as I hastily descended the stairs in search of some towels and water. With a gasp the slightly younger women rushed down after me. I made my way to the kitchen and hurriedly looked for bottles of water, thinking I could at least clean him up and keep him hydrated. I frisked the pantry, knocking down various items while doing so but eventually found a couple of bottles of spring water on the side. Having grabbed three, I sprinted out the kitchen I raced back upstairs to the enclosure of Daniel's room. There he was on his back and heavily breathing, eyes slightly glazed and closing as he fought to keep them ajar.

"No no no no, Daniel. You have to open your eyes, stay awake." I told him, frightened as I rushed to his side. Hovering over him, I grabbed one of the bottles and screwed the cap open. I urged him to drink some water as I placed an unsteady hand under his head, cupping it as I lifted him to take in some water. He drank a few gulps before falling back onto my hand and I put his head back down carefully. My head swirled with thoughts as I questioned what to do. I hadn't had any training or education in the medical field so I didn't know what to do. Snapping out of it I rushed to the bathroom in his room and yanked off a towel. I applied pressure on his shoulder and Daniels eyes grew wider as he hissed in pain. At least it kept him awake. My heart twisted in pain at the thought of being the cause for somebody else's death. No matter how cold hearted and ruthless Daniel was, he was still human and still needed protection. Somewhere in that stoned mind of his he knew it too. Tears burnt in my eyes and I let them freely fall this time, for he was too unaware of the surrounding actions to see. To see how weak loss made me. How weak guilt made me. How weak he made me. As long as it was Daniel's duty to protect me, it was mine to protect him as well. The door opened and in stepped in the young housemaid.

"The doctor is here." She said her eyes scanning the scene that sat before her. I lifted a shaky hand and wiped at the tears streaming down my face.

"Send him in, fast please." At my words a middle aged Doctor with two large bags of equipment burst in the room. He rushed to Daniel's side as I stepped back and out of the way.

"What happened?" The doctor asked. And hurriedly unzipped one of the large bags pulling out many things.

"He got shot and was bleeding out." I answered, my voice wavering. He got shot and is now on the brink of bleeding out, and it was all my fault.
Sorry this chapter is a little shorter and crappy but its a filler.

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