Nightmares and Memories

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(Drake/Wonder Boy P.O.V)
I woke up chained every bone in my body ached and it smelt of death.My head was pounding and eyesight blurry.


"Hello Drake"A very chilling deep voice said

" I?"I ask"What the HELL is happening!"

"Don't raise your voice at me I AM A GOD!!"the man then slapped me making my cheek sting with pain.

"For a god you slap like a-"He suddenly grasped my throat making me stop what I was saying.

"I could kill you right now and you would never wake up."He said grasping my throat tighter making it hard to breath.

'Wake up?...what is this guy talking about?'

"I am The God of War and I am here to give you a warning"He whispered  into my ear now holding on to my throat tighter than before.

"I know where you are Drake"

"I am going to kill you very slowly and painfully. I will enjoy watching you scream for your dead mother and live father...but by the time he comes you'll be dead"He hissed

"Hmm you have this all planned out don't you?"I managed to say dryly

"Your mother is so beautiful I've always wanted her...but I couldn't have her  because she was with The mortal now she's all mine"

"You bastard!"I growled as he laughed sinisterly
I woke up sweaty gasping for air and looked up to the ceiling it was still night time Mr.Wayne would probably be patrolling Gotham's streets about now.

"The God Of War"I muttered.I remember my mom telling me chilling stories about grandmother also.

Why would he want to kill me...What have I ever done to him?

This doesn't make any sense it was probably just a damned dream he doesn't know where I am,Doesn't know who I am,Doesn't want to kill me,and most definitely does NOT have or want my deceased mother.
A Couple days later
I didn't get any sleep last night again each time I dozed off a new dream would come just more realistic and detailed as the last one.

The God of War would be in most of my nightmares and sometimes it would just be of me getting tortured and killed it seemed so real with so much gore.
(Bruce Wayne Pov)
Past Time
"Bruce?"Her gentle voice said coming up to me and I can see the worry in her eyes."Are you okay?"

She kissed my lips but I did not kiss her back but shoved her away instead.I could see her shock in my coldness towards her.

"I have news for you Bruce but if you are going to act like this..."she trailed off

"Diana this isn't working out"I said bluntly.

"W...What?"Her voice cracking

"I'm breaking up with you"I replied harshly.Her face dropped and she backed away from me in shock.

"I...I don't under-"

"What's not to understand!"I screamed hoarsely"I Don't have feelings for you anymore...I'm leaving you"

"I don't think your leaving me,I think your running.And what I can't figure out is if you're running towards what you want,or if you're running away from something you're too afraid to want"and with that she grabbed her tiara and flew off into the starry night.
So This Chapter is kind of every where but there is better  chapters to come.I just wanted you guys to know how Batman and Wonder Woman broke up .I hoped you loved!!

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