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(Bruce Pov)
"What exactly did Cheetah say to you?"I ask

"Well that I was naive and she was going too kill me like she did with my mother...and something about exterminating my family"he answered nonchalantly

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"I asked

"Because I didn't think it was such a big deal...I thought she was bluffing"He said

"Cheetah was obviously not bluffing Drake...someone wants you dead more than one person actually"I responded

"Yeah...I think you made that clear"he scoffed

"You don't know how much danger you are in do you Drake?"I narrowed my eyes

"Danger?!"he said with ire

"Yes danger,I don't want you leaving the Manor without my permission Drake...you are too Stay here is that clear?!"I asked and watched his emotions change from angry to defeated

"Crystal....Mr.Wayne"he muttered leaving the now quiet room
(Drake Pov)
'I thought about arguing with him more about this but what more can I say to make him change his Mind or to back off?'

'That I was old enough to take care of myself...when I'm only fourteen or that he can't boss me around...when technically he can'

'So I'm pretty much stuck here...and can't go out until Batman figures out who wants me dead.'

'which would be finding my mother's killers he should understand that I want part in finding my mother's killers too and that it's not in my nature to just sit and wait around for justice to happen'

'But whatever I guess in the time being I'll just read a book or something'
Time Skip-------------------------------
"Mom?....mom?"Drake calls

"Alexa!"Drake says

"Yes Drake"Alexa responded

"Do you know where mom is?"He asked

"I believe she is talking to some very important people Drake it is wise if you go play or tidy up your chamber and wait for her"Alexa suggested

"Mmmm I guess"Drake mumbled getting back on his horse and riding towards a temple

"But since it was just a suggestion and not a demand I don't really have to..do I?"He said smirking

After a short while of searching in Temples to find his mother Drake found himself by the Temple of Zeus.He got off of his Black horse and saw his mom talking to what he assumed The Gods.

Drake was amazed he never ever seen The Gods before.They looked so powerful and just amazing in his eyes.

"Drake?...what are you doing here?"His mother asked surprised

"I...I um was looking for you"He stammered still in shock

"This is your son Diana"One of the gods said

"Yes Zeus he is"his mother responded
With a smile

"How old are you young one?"Aphrodite asked

"Four"Drake answered looking at the God

"Four...such a ripe age isn't it"Hades the God of War said.Drake looked at him for a while feeling slightly creeped out by the Pantheon.

"Don't be intimidated young boy I am sort of your grandfather"Hades commented

"I was never intimidated Hades"Drake replied curtly remembering the awful stories his grandmother said about him

"You are a confident and brave one aren't you?...just remember your place young one I am a God and you are just a mere weak boy compared to me"Hades responded

Drake was still not intimidated my the dark hearted man but remembered that he should be respectful and it's not good to get on a gods blacklist so he smiled.

"Yes Hades I will remember my place and I'm apologetic for my curt behavior"Drake replied getting a look of satisfaction on the gods  Hideous face.

"Good we shouldn't have any problems then"Hades commented

"I am also sorry for my intrusion I'll leave you to Uhh do whatever you where doing before I interrupted"Drake said leaving wondering what his mother and The pantheons where talking about before he interrupted.
~~~~~~~End of flashback~~~~~~~
(Drake Pov)
'Well that was weird I haven't had a Flashback like that in a looooong time...I did ask my mother what they where talking about and I do believe that my mom told me but I don't remember what she said...after all that was years and years ago'

Ohh well it'll come back to me someday...
Well that is it for today I hoped you enjoyed;)

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