What The Hell Did I get myself into!

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(Drake pov)
'I've been here for a week...a very long week.I don't belong here,everyone here is so secretive...I'm not.At my old house there was little to no secrets...other than who my biological father was obviously'

'I'm a little more than tired of my moms superhero friends coming and checking on me.Don't get me wrong I'm very thankful but I just want my alone time'

'My moms Funeral is coming and honestly I just want to break down and cry but I have to stay strong...I've let tears come out now and then but I've never just let it all out.Im getting to the point where it's all building up'

'And pretty soon it's going to all come crashing down on me like a Ton of Bricks'

Knock Knock

'There goes my alone time....'I think to myself as I open the door.I see Dick and what looks like his friends so I give them all a smile

"Hello Dick and..."I trailed off

"Ohh um Drake these are my friends Wally,Artemis,Conner,Kaldur,and Megan"he says and they all say hi

"Soo we where wondering if you'd like to go out and have fun with us....you've been in your room since you got here and thought you'd like to get out"Dick says

"Hey I'd love too but-"I say but get cut off by Dick

"Come on Drake it'll be fun staying in your room all day isn't...you need fresh air"he says pulling me out of my room

"Okay fine....where are we going anyways?"I ask

"You'll see"Dick says as we all walk out of the Manor
(Bruce/Batman Pov)
"Bruce "Clark also known as Superman says

"Yes and it's Batman in the watchtower"I answer making him roll his eyes

"How are things with Drake....is he warming up to the Batfamily?"

"No,he's usually in his room all day and when he's not he looks uncomfortable with all of us,except maybe Alfred..they get along well"I say

"He'll come around Bru- I mean Batman ...Is he depressed you know now that his mother is.....Gone?"Clark says

"Wouldn't you be..it's only been a week and two days"I say grimly

"And how are you doing?...I know you still loved her"he says but I decide not to say anything at all

"How's Lois and the baby?"I ask changing the subject

"Good he's already gaining powers and...Hey don't change the subject!"he says

"I'm not I just asked you a question"I say


"Batman"I say correcting him

"Fine Batman I really think you should talk to someone that'll understand your feelings,maybe Drake...I'm sure you guys will understand each other "he says walking away

"God knows you both need to talk to someone"he mutters barely audible for me to hear
---------------back to Drake----------
(Dick/Nightwing pov)
We are in a ice cream parlor Wally suggested we get ice cream because everybody likes ice cream.

Drake looks disgusted as he watches Wally devour the ice cream like a slob.I chuckle a bit at his reaction.

"You'll get used to it Drake"M'gann whispers to him chuckling

"I know I just never seen anyone eat like that when was the last time he ate?"he says back,staring at Wally who doesn't have a clue what they're talking about

"Like an hour ago"I answer making his eyebrows arch with amusement

"Where did you go to school before you moved to Gotham Drake?"Conner asked

"Thomas Jefferson High but everyone just calls it TJ"he says

"Well now you're going to be a Gothamite instead of a Patriot"Wally says wiping ice cream off of his face

"Uh yah I know"he says less exited

"That doesn't sound so enthusiastic"Artemis mumbles"but I was there once too you don't want to leave your friends or home"

"Yes and I'm not much of a uniform person either"he says

"Ugh I hate the uniforms too,and the rich snobs"Artemis says

"Hey Gotham Academy isn't that bad"I add in

"No your right,I somewhat kinda met you there so I guess it's not that bad"Artemis says

"Hey Drake when you first went into Wayne Manor what was your first thought?"Wally asked

"Well when I first came I saw two Kids fighting each other with bloody noses and all....now I'm not used to that kinda stuff so I was like 'What the Hell did I get myself into!''he says smiling

"Really not how big the house was?"Wally asked

"No they where really the first thing that caught my eye...but the place is beautiful"he says

All of a sudden Drake's black watch started to flash red.He immediately covered it .

"I...I got to go "he stammers leaving the parlor

"What was that?!"Wally asked

"I don't know"Artemis says

"Guys you got to think He was Wonder Woman's Sidekick...it Probably flashed because there was a problem in Washington"I say

"You think we should help him?"M'gann asked

"We could watch from a distance and if he needs help we help"Kaldur says
-----------End Of Chapter--------

I hope you guys liked;)

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