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(Drake pov)
'Today was the day
My mother's Funeral,I remember Training in Themyscira,when I was's a little bit of a blur but I remember training with a red headed woman'

'When I got hurt and wanted to cry she would say"crying is a weakness"and make me train even longer...she was brutal but helpful'

'I've been trying to follow through with what my old trainer said to me...I don't know how long I could keep it in...definitely not any longer'

"Drake are you ready?"Bruce asked

"No I'm definitely not mentally ready...maybe physically...but never mentally"I say my voice full of sorrow

I started walking towards the door but Bruce stopped me by putting a hand on my shoulder.He looked deep in my eyes

"Keeping your feelings in and not letting it out won't help you"he says but in his eyes I see Darkness,sadness,Sorrow...

"And you?"I ask,he just looks at me confused

"What about me?"he asked

"You keep all of your emotions balled up inside of should take your own advise"I snap and see his eyes narrow

"I'm sorry I just...thank you for the advise"I say and walk out of the door
(Bruce Pov)
I watched him walk out of the Manor.I felt empathy for him,Diana was all he knew...the only family he thought he had.He feels alone....I want him to know that he's not,I just haven't brought myself to talk to him.

"You know master Bruce he is an intelligent young man"Alfred commented

"Yes I know"I respond shortly
(Drake pov)
'A memorial for my mother
She was my only family I feel lost without her......Without her guidance without her with me.'

'what am I supposed to do here with all these people....some I've never met some I've seen so Seldom.Bruce...I don't even know what to call him Mr.Wayne,Bruce,'

"Drake I'm so sorry for your loss"a blonde guy says coming up to me"your mother and I where close...I'm Steve"

"Thank you Steve I appreciate it"I say 'who in Tartarus was that guy?!'

'Wait a minute did I just say Tartarus?!'

"Hello Shayera"I say looking at one of my moms friends from The Justice League

"Hello Drake how have you been doing...How has Bruce been with you?"she says

"He's fine Shayera"I say not really answering all her questions.

"And how are you doing"Shayera asked

"I'm...well not the greatest"I answer truthfully

"I know you could see it,your sadness
If you ever need anything you call me okay?"Shayera said

"Okay"I answer

I walk up to my mom's coffin and before I know it tears well up on my eyes.

'But I don't want to cry not here not now....too many people.I need to go somewhere else
To be by myself .

I walk to a nearby Garden,it was surely beautiful.I sit down on the warm warn out wooden bench and let everything that I've been holding in go.

I covered my face with my hands feeling the tears come down my face and whipping them away whenever there was too much.

Not holding anything in anymore just letting it all escape.It felt better this way better than holding it in at least.
(Bruce Pov)
"Bruce how are you?"Lois asked with Clark beside her

"I'm fine"I say sternly

"Are you still mad at us for not telling you about him?"Clark asked

"Yes...As a master a fact I am"I respond stoically

"It was for the best"Steve said abruptly
And my eye twitches with irritation

"For the Best?!"I say Irritated

"calm down Bru-"

"No, is it REALLY for the best that all of you DIDNT tell me?!He has MY DNA too!!!I would Have LOVED to see him Growing Up just like the next Parent WOULD!!!"I say angrily and walk away

'I can't believe them
Not telling me about my OWN son!!!
I should have known!'

'Three weeks after Me and Diana breakup she leaves for Nine months!!How could I not of noticed.Then years after that there is a new Wonder Boy.

'How could Diana not tell me....'

"Are you okay?"I hear a voice say so I turn my head a little to see Drake his eyes a little puffy with dry tears on his face.

"I'm just saying you look a little angry"he says sniffling

"I was..there's to much people in there"I respond sitting next to him

"I know that's why I came here....I don't even know half of the people there"Drake comments and I chuckle

"Well unfortunately I do"I say

"For being Bruce Wayne you sound more like an Introvert instead of a party person"he smiled

"Well there's still a lot you don't know about me"I responded

"I was guessing that"He said
----------END OF CHAPTER---------

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