chapter five

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Leah's P.O.V

Caden and Darcy were both currently taking their naps when the doorbell rang. I assumed it was Dad dropping of Wyatt to have me babysit him, but when I went to open the door, someone else was standing in front of me.


"Yeah, it's me.. I just need to talk to you, if it's alright." He said. 

"Of course, come in." I replied and stepped aside. "The kids are taking their naps, by the way. I was lucky enough that they fell asleep at the same time." I said and he chuckled. "Anyways, what did you want to talk about?" I asked him as we sat down. 

"Well, me and the lads have all been kind of worried about you and Darcy and Caden. We know it's been really hard for you ever since what happened with Harry, but sometimes we worry that maybe you don't get enough chances to talk about it, you know.. So, we just want you to know that if you have something you need to get off your chest, you can just tell me right now. I promise you will feel better afterwards." He said. 

"Thanks, Liam, it means a lot." I replied. "And, well, yes there are a few times where I wish I would have someone to talk to. I haven't had anyone to talk with since the funeral, nor a shoulder to cry on.. I don't think I've actually cried that much since his passing, but I think that's because I just find it really hard believing it. Sometimes, I can almost feel him holding me when I'm half asleep, and it's like he's still here..."

"I know what you mean." He said giving me a small smile. "We've all had trouble believing he's actually gone, and everything's just turned up side down since he passed. It's weird not touring and stuff anymore, and it was really hard for us to release our last album after he died. It was just so weird because we had already recorded the album, which means Harry was singing on it. He wrote a song or two on the album for you, you know."

"Really?" I asked. 

"Yeah, he did." He answered. "He wrote 'If I Could Fly' and 'I Want To Write You A Song' for you."

"Oh, he never told me that." I said. 

"Well, he did." He replied. "He would stay up until late at night writing those songs while listening to every single voicemail you ever sent him."

"Oh..." That was the only word I could manage to say. It was like every single word I knew left my mind, because I had literally no clue what to say.

"Hard to think of something to say, eh?" Liam said. 

"Yeah, it is.. It just came so sudden, and I really don't know what to say." I replied.

"I understand." He said. "Remember, if you ever need anyone, me and the lads are here for you. We know what you're having to go through, and we don't want you to be alone in this. You're welcome to visit us any time you'd like to." 

"Thank you, Liam." I said giving him a hug. "Now, moving onto a little happier topic; would you like to see Caden?" 

"Of course." He replied smiling. 

"Okay, come on." I said and we walked upstairs into the nursery. 

Caden was peacefully sleeping in his crib with his mouth open and his hands were formed into a fist, just like Darcy used to do. 

"God, he's adorable." Liam said leaning over the crib. "I bet you Harry would love to be here right now and hold Caden in his arms. I remember how proud he was when he was showing off Darcy when she was a baby, and I'm positive he would do the same with Caden."

"Yeah, I think so too." I said back. 

Liam stayed for about 20 more minutes before he had to go meet up with his sisters. Right after he left though, Darcy woke up. 

"Hi, sweetie, did you have a nice nap?" I asked as she came downstairs. 

"Yes." She replied while rubbing her eyes.

"Come here, Darcy. Mommy needs to talk with you." I said opening my arms for her. She climbed into my lap and I wrapped my arms around her, kissing the top of her head.

"Am I in trouble?" She asked. 

"No, you're not." I replied chuckling. "But, your uncle Liam came over while you were asleep, and he said something to me that I think I need to tell you too." 

"What did he say?" 

"Look, I know you're upset about what happened with daddy, so I just want you to know that if you have any questions or if you need to talk about it, then I'm here. Always remember that you can talk to me, no matter what it is about, okay?" I told her. 

"Okay, Mommy." She replied.

"You know how much I love you, right?" I said kissing her soft cheeks. 

"I love you too." She said giggling. "I love you more than anyone else in the world!" She said kissing my cheek back. 

"What do you say if we order a pizza for supper? Would that be alright?" I asked and she immediately began cheering. "Should I take that as a yes?" 

"Yes, you should, Mommy!" She replied. 

"Okay, you go check if your brother's awake yet while I call, alright?" I asked and she nodded before running upstairs. She was still doing that thing where she climbs up the stairs like a little monkey, my little monkey. I was really lucky to have her in my life, both her and baby Caden. My prince and my princess, what more could a mother ask for?


really short but..

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