chapter one

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These first chapters are gonna be really short, 'cause it's just gunna be Leah talking to Harry's grave, so just bear with me

Month 1:

Leah's P.O.V

"Hey, Harry... Got some big news for you today." I said as I sat down in front of his grave. I wiped away my tears before continuing. "I went to the doctor's office because of my stomach issues, and turns out it wasn't just the flu or something.. We did it. The test was wrong, I'm pregnant. Although I'm really happy to have another child, I'm sad you're not here to do it with me.. Look, I'm really sorry I didn't believe you. I wanted to, it's just.. I was sick of getting hurt, but you being dead is hurting me even more. It's hurting our family. Darcy is crying almost every day, and it breaks my heart.. I just wish you would come back, Harry. I need your help now. With a 3 year old and another kid on the way it's going to be hard, you know.. Promise me you'll look after us? We really need it, and I'm sure this baby needs to know that it's father is always taking care of him or her, even if it's never met you. But, I promise that when this baby gets a bit older, I'm gonna tell him or her about you. I'm gonna let him or her know how brave you were to give away your heart just so save me. You really are a hero, Harry. I know the fans always used to tell you that, but I really mean it this time. You saved a life, but died in the action... On the other hand, the boys really miss you. I sat next to Niall during your funeral, he was crying the whole time. His eyes were so red, and I have never seen him more upset. Liam was also crying, but both him and Louis were trying to hide it. Darcy was the worst though. She wouldn't stop sobbing into my neck, and I still hear her crying at night and whispering goodnight to you before she goes to bed. I sometimes hear her talking to you from her room, and it's heartbreaking, you know. Anyways, I'm probably already boring you with my talking. I love you, Harry, I really do. I listen to your songs whenever I'm feeling lonely, and it helps actually. When I hear your voice, I almost feel you with me. I just imagine your arms around me, telling me everything's gonna be alright. I miss and love you, Harry, so so much..." 

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