Fuck, Marry, Kill

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-Fuck, marry, kill: Will, Jasmin, Ryan. - Brandon challenged, sitting back on the computer chair, one arm bent behind his head and a smirk splattered across his lips.
Jordan froze for a second, eyes widening slightly and a cold vertiginous feeling taking over his stomach, making him feel sick. Brandon wasn't paying attention to his reactions which he was thankful for. He swallowed silently and recomposed himself, closing his bright eyes as he folded his arms over his stomach, laying comfortably on his bed.
-Well... - He mumbled - Fuck Ryan...
Behind his closed eyes, memories started flashing.

-Should we be doing this? - Ryan whispered under his breath, inches away from Jordan's lips, brown eyes closed.
Jordan smirked lightly, fingers running down the male's naked torso, watching his lips part as he struggled with his accelerated breathing. It didn't take long for the green eyed male to lose the few self control within him and push the other against the wall, pressing his lit body against his.
-Who cares? - Jordan replied in a low voice, pressing his lips to his friend's lips roughly.
Ryan gripped at his sides and moaned softly into the kiss, surrendering to Jordan's touch.

-...Kill Will...

-Hey. - Will smiled lightly, entering the hotel room with his fingers shoved into the pockets of his tight jeans.
Jordan watched the male pass by him, taking in the sickening scent of his cologne, jaw tensing as he closed the door, with his back turned to his once upon a time best friend. Now he was nothing.
-So, you said you wanted to talk to me. What's up, dude? - Will spoke in a very casual way, now standing in the middle of the room, looking around distractedly.
Jordan closed his eyes for a second, taking in a deep breath before he turned to face the other, green eyes slightly narrowed and lips curved into a cruel smirk.
-I heard you've been getting very close to my girl, Will. I don't appreciate that. - He started slipping one hand into the pocket of his jacket.
Will furrowed his eyebrows, looking towards his friend, confused and maybe even a little bit offended.
-What are you talking about, man? Me and Jasmin are just friends. I don't even talk to her that much. - He shrugged.
Jordan chuckled softly under his breath.
-Liar. - He spit out, launching himself forward, onto the taller male, seringe in hand.
The sound of Will's screech when the needle ripped through the skin of his neck was something he would never forget.

-...And, well...
Jordan opened his eyes and glanced towards his bedside table, watching the little crimson box sitting upon it.
-...Mary Jasmin.

Sorry if this a little too morbid. It's the first time I've ever written something like this.
Hope you enjoy either way.

xBayani One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now