Dear Santa

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Jordan ran his tattooed fingers over the empty piece of paper that lied on the desk before him and then reached over to grab one of the pens from the little cup that held all his drawing and writing materials. Holding the pen between two fingers, he began tapping the end of it against his bottom lip as he sat there, looking at the paper. When a thought crossed his mind, he lowered his hand and began writing.

Dear Santa,

He started.
What a silly thing it was, a grown man writing a letter to Santa Claus.
He proceeded though.

Life has been tough for the past year.
Between feeling lost and helpless, I barely ever had time to feel satisfied.

It's silly of me to be writing to you, isn't it? A grown man, writing to a nonexistent figure in hope of some peace seems quite silly to me. But either way, I'm carrying on with this letter.

When I was a kid, I would probably ask for toys in a letter like this. Had I been a spoiled child, I would have probably made lists upon lists of amazingly new toys that I would see on TV and that seemed so cool that I needed them. But no, I was never that spoiled. I remember, particularly, of asking for a toy car that seemed like the most wonderful thing in the world one year. And magically, it was there, under the Christmas tree, wrapped in a blue paper that had little teddy bears printed on it and a big yellow bow adorning it. It was one hell of a car.
But now, as the young adult I am and with the amount of things I've been through in such a short span of time, my requests changed.

He paused writing for a moment and looked at his phone that had just vibrated, warning him of a new incoming text message. He reached over and flipped the device over so he could see who it was though he knew well enough it was Jasmin. A small smile curved his lips as he replied to the text, his mind now playing thoughts of her and her eyes over and over again.
He looked back down to the letter and picked up the pen again.

I've found the light of my life, Santa. A star with the name of a princess, so beautiful, both inside and out. I've never dreamt I'd ever find someone as perfect but well, I did.
She's so good for me, Santa. Oh so good.
And because of that, what I want to ask you for this Christmas is that that light never vanishes. Please, keep my light going.
And also, give my mother some peace. She worries too much.
And give my brother some love, he needs it in his life. And my sister some courage to face life with her head up high.
And for my friends, just give them a little more of time with each other. Only we know how much we appreciate each others' company.
As for me, I'm okay. Life is tough but it's worth living.


He put down the pen, sighed and smiled.
What a silly thing it was to be writing a letter to Santa.

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