Force Fields

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I yawned and stepped out of the bathroom, turning the lights off and closing the door. I looked towards the kitchen and saw a group of people standing there, about five people. They were the only ones left beside me. Jordan's brother was there, in that group. We had been more. They had managed to fit about twenty people in that small apartment. I had stayed just to help Jordan with whatever he needed after everyone left.
The group in the kitchen was just peacefully talking but I knew they weren't exactly at their best that night. All of us had drank. We had fun. Not that we needed alcohol to have fun though.
I walked over to the living room and found Jordan sitting in his bungee chair, with his legs stretched forward and his eyes closed. He looked rather comfortable. Carefully, I walked around him and sat on the couch, right by his side. But I wasn't careful enough because he soon blinked his eyes open and looked towards me.
-I'm sorry, I didn't want to wake you up. - I apologized, feeling a frown grow upon my lips.
He shook his head while leaning back on his chair, offering me an exhausted smile.
-I wasn't sleeping. - He answered.
-Of course you weren't. - I replied, chuckling softly.
-I wasn't, I swear. - He blinked his tired eyes at me, trying to look as awake as he could, it seemed.
He looked so tried and so silly that I couldn't carry on with that. On a different situation, I would have argued and he would have argued in return, like we always did. But not when he looked so tired to me.
-Alright, fine. - I offered, shrugging.
He nodded triumphant and I leaned back on the couch.
-Why are you still here? - He asked and I felt his fingers rest upon my hand, which laid upon my lap.
I looked towards him and his gesture seemed so innocent, so simple, that I didn't want to ruin it by moving my hand.
-I thought I would stay to help you cleaning things up. I'll leave after. - I answered.
He nodded and I moved, sitting up on the couch. For some reason, he moved too, sat straight and turned to face me.
-It was a great night, wasn't it? - He asked, in a lower tone, like he didn't want anyone else to know what we were talking about.
His hand still rested upon mine so I decided to turn it and actually hold his hand. I mean, he had left his hand there anyway. And he didn't remove it after I did that either. He simply gently gripped my hand.
-Yes... Yes, it was. - I answered, looking into his eyes.
I loved his eyes, green, sincere, happy. I loved everything about him, to be honest.
He lifted his other hand and pinned my chin between his index finger and thumb when I started to unconsciously bite my lower lip and I saw his eyes lower to my lips.
-I'm glad you were here... - He mumbled, looking back up to my eyes.
-I'm glad I'm still here... - I mumbled myself, trying to stop my eyes from slipping to his lips but they were so desirable in that moment.
He pulled me towards him and leaned towards me as well.
I'm sure that if it was possible, the moment our lips touched, there would have been sparkles flying out. Powerful sparkles of pure electricity caused by the the shock of two force fields.
Oh, Jordan.

xBayani One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now