Want me to tell you a story?

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I sighed and rolled over on the bed once again. For some reason, I really couldn't sleep. I had been there, laying in the dark for about 40 minutes and nothing. Was I even going to manage to fall asleep that night? Probably not. And frustration was starting to fill up my chest.
There was nothing I could do just laying there in the dark so I decided to sit up, remaining snuggled under the covers because, even though Spring was starting to blossom, Winter's cold roots where still holding back the good weather. I reached down, over the bed, to grab my laptop that was laying on the ground, where I had left it about one hour ago, and turned it on, to distract myself with something. Yes, it was late but I just couldn't sleep. There was nothing I could do about it.
As soon as the laptop started, it started logging me into Skype and a few other things and I rushed to turn them all off. Before a little message popped up on my screen.
"Hey you!"
It was Jordan, also known as Bayani, messaging me on teamspeak. I'm not going to lie, that message got me excited. I liked it when he randomly messaged me as soon as I got on teamspeak. It made me feel like I mattered.
I checked the teamspeak and well, there was only me and him online at the moment.
"Hey you." I replied.
Soon enough, there was another little window on my screen, of him calling me. Well, my microphone wasn't plugged in at the moment but who cared, right? I sat up straight, plugged in my earphones and answered the call.
-Hi. - I mumbled, soon coughing quietly to make my voice sound more clear.
-Hi! Sorry, I didn't feel like typing. - He answered back, smiling.
I could hear that smile in his voice.
-Oh, it's okay. I don't have my mic plugged in though...
-That's okay. I can handle the bad quality. - He joked, smiling again.
-I'm glad you can. - I replied, smiling myself.
I got a tiny chuckle from him which actually made me grin.
-What are you doing here this late anyway? - He asked in a very casual tone, possibly leaning back on his chair or at least sounded like it.
-I couldn't sleep... - I mumbled in reply, rubbing the bridge of my nose between my thumb and index finger.
-Oh... - He mumbled.
For a second, we both fell silent. I didn't need to ask what he was doing there so late. He usually went to sleep pretty late. Or at least lately he did.
My mind wondered away though. Or sort of away. Wondering how he looked like. Not that it mattered anyway. His voice was enough. Soothing and comforting. Honestly, that was all I needed, his voice. But I just wondered why he hadn't showed - at least me - how he looked like.
-Want me to tell you a story? - He offered softly after a few seconds.
-A story? - I answered, smiling rather amused and snapping out of my thoughts.
Oh, now he was going to tell me a story. Was that a good idea?
-Yeah, a story! - He smiled. - Just lean back and listen.
I actually did was he said, or sort of did, turning onto my side and placing the laptop on the bed, beside me while I layed down.
-Okay, I'm ready. - I told him, between a small amused chuckle.
-Alright then... Once upon a time, there was a girl. A really pretty girl with brown eyes and long brown hair.
-Are you describing the girl on your screen? - I joked, grinning.
I knew he had the picture of Lights Bokan as his desktop image thingy.
-Noo... - He answered between a chuckle.
-Right, continue please. - I smirked.
-Right... So, the girl had this really bad problem, you know. She chose the worst guys to talk to. Real jerks, you know. - He continued.
Now I couldn't hear that smile anymore. Where was he going with that?
-Specially in nights that she couldn't sleep. - He smiled again.
-Oh, I see. - I chuckled, casually relieved that he was just joking. - And what happened to the girl?
-Oh, what happened to the girl? Nothing, she just had a bad taste in guys. - He answered, chuckling.
-Did she? But I think that girl actually, or usually, has a pretty good taste when it comes to guys. - I offered, smirking again.
-Well, not this time. This time the girl chose a jerk. - He answered, smirking himself, I believe.
-What if I tell you the girl is a little jerk herself? - I joked.
-Then they're both jerks, huh? - He answered.
-I guess so. - I answered back.
He chuckled and so did I.
Oh, Jordan...

xBayani One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now