Costume Mayhem

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Chapter 3: Costume Mayhem

Sephiroth, Cloud, and Lizzy were walking towards the girl's apartment building, two of them still laughing from the events that had just taken place, one of them sulking and pissed off, cradling his torn-up wing.

"Soooo, Sephy," the red-haired teenager giggled, "are you ready for a costume NOW?" She threw back her head in another outburst of laughter. She couldn't help it! Thinking of poor Sephiroth being mega-glomped by all of those fangirls just cracked her up!

"Oh, shut up." Sephiroth hit her lightly with his now-broken black wing. "You're the one who dared me to go over there."

Lizzy winked at him. "But yooou were the one who said disguises were not needed!" Her smile changed from giddy to triumphant. "Riiiiight, Sephy?"

Sephiroth looked away. "Quit picking on me, Girl-Genesis." He whacked her semi-playfully, but with no smile on his face. "And DON'T. CALL. ME. SEPHY...!"

Cloud took a break from laughing to get in a little teasing himself. "Oh, Seeeeephy..." He was instantly introduced to Sephiroth's gloved fist. "Owie, Sephy, that hurt!" Not seeming to be hurt at all, he exchanged high-fives with Lizzy.


As soon as the three were back at the apartment, Sephy-- oops, I meant Sephiroth was rifling through the boy-clothes in Lizzy's drawers. "How about this one?" He held up a nice, black leather jacket with a white tank-top underneath.

Lizzy looked at the clothes in the one-winged angel's hand. "Nope, looks too much like your normal wear. We can't have anything tying you two to yourselves," she said thoughtfully, "unless you want to have your cover blown and meet up with the group of glompy girls again." At this thought, her mouth turned up sharply at the corners.

Sephiroth sighed deeply, then put the clothes back. "Well, Little Miss Fashion Expert," he scoffed, "what would YOU have me wear?"

"Hmm..." She tapped her head with her index finger, then grinned widely. "I imagine you as a really pretty girl. I have a dress in the closet!"


Three hours later...

Lizzy leaned against her left crutch. "M-maybe that wasn't such a good idea..." She winced from the pain of her broken ankle, glaring at Sephiroth, who was wearing the leather jacket, the tank-top, and jeans. He stuck his tongue out at her, which, she thought, was waaaaaay out of character.

Cloud and Sephiroth looked completely different than before. Seph's newly dyed hair was black and tucked into a fedora. His colored contacts were brown and he wore a light spray-on tan. Cloud had a totally flat hairdo and green contacts.

...And every fangirl in the world could agree, they both looked amazingly hot.

Despite her new injury, the redheaded girl was still as hyper as before. "Well, the next step is to change your names and come up with a believable relationship between you two." She smirked, thinking of quite a few ways (coughYAOIcough) that they could be connected.

Cloud raised his hand, casting a sideways glance at Sephiroth. "Can we be, like, mortal enemies? We won't have to act at all," he suggested innocently, earning a glare from the angel. "In fact, we could even have a fight to the death! How's that sound?"

Lizzy responded by throwing Cloud out the window.

After Cloud came back from the hospital with a cast on his arm, the little meeting went on without a hitch.

"Iiiii've got an idea!" Lizzy cheered. "You could be Cole and Seth, and you could be..." She scratched her head. "Gay lovers!"

Cloud and Sephiroth, both steaming mad, started closing in on her. "Okay, okay!" She blocked her face with her hands. "Um... brothers?"

"Thaaat's better," grumbled Sephiroth.

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