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Anna: wanna know something?

Louis: What?

Anna: we are in the same state right now

Louis: What?? NO WAY!

Louis: Come to the show. I'll give the fucking guards your name.

Anna: Louis...

Anna: No

Louis: I want to meet you so bad

Anna: I know. And I want to meet you too!

Anna: But I'm here to visit my best friend anyway, it'd be rude to do anything else

Louis: Didn't you mention once that she's a fan?

Anna: unfortunately

Louis: smh rude

Louis: But what if she already had tickets??

Anna: Then I still won't go

Anna: I'm not a big fan of One Direction remember

Louis: How could I forget

Louis: It hurts even more every time you say it.

Anna: Babyyyyy

Louis: Okay I'm not mad anymore

Louis: But I have to go because this show is supposed to be reaaallly big tonight. 

Anna: Okay ttyl!! Good luck ❤!

Louis: Thank youuuuuu😘

revised: 6/27/17

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