Harry Styles Secret Girlfriend - day away / face paint

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Guys I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in like a year. Aha, I'm exaggerating, more like a month or so or less. So here's a new chapter, might be a bit boring, as I kept writing for a day and then write on it again a few days later. Hope it's ok. Enjoy!!

Harry's POV

"What did we do?" Louis asked me, as he into the kitchen and then back into the lounge room.

"Well, you screamed out boner and I asked you, how did you know. She knew we were being idiots and she didn't want to stay for the rest of the convo, so she went to bed." I explained to him, he shrugged he nodded lightly, agreeing with me.

"Meh. So why were you two out here?" He asked, sitting next to me.

"Josh rang me and asked me to check out a website with a rumor on it, about me dating a one of the fans I was in a photo with. I think it was Dian on the other end of the line who Michelle was talking to, so she must've if had said to Michelle to check out the same website." I answered.

"Huh, ok then. Well they got the wrong girl, it ain't the girl in the picture, it's the girl in your room." Louis said, winking at me.

"Sure is." I said, giving Lou a hug and then went off to mine and Michelle's room.

When I walked into the room, Michelle was already asleep. I smiled to myself. She's so beautiful, I really hope she knows that. Any guy would be lucky to have her, and I'm glad that I have her. I walked over to where my clothes are, I put some boxers on and join Michelle in bed. She was shaking a bit, poor baby. I wrapped my legs around her legs, as she's on her side, and pulled her to me, hugging her. I kissed her cheek, ear, neck and her back.

"Shhh baby, I'm here." I cooed, she stopped shaking and calmed down.


I woke up instantly. Michelle is having another nightmare. It was her who just screamed. I shook her, trying to wake her up. Liam and Zayn ran into the room, only in their pajamas, which was Hello Kitty and Batman pajamas. Ahaha, nice guys.

"Michelle, wake up. Your just having a nightmare, please wake up baby." I said, still trying to wake her up.

"Again?" Niall said groggily, as he walked into the room.

"Yes. Don't know why. She's not telling me anything." I said worriedly.

Niall walked over to the bed and joined in on hugging Michelle on the other side of us. We hugged her, she didn't calm down that much, but still she calmed down a bit. Why is Michelle having all of these nightmares, and all in one night? My poor baby girl. Just as I finished thinking that, Michelle opened her eyes and sat up straight. Niall and I sat up, Liam and Zayn joined us on the bed.

"I need to talk to you Harry." Michelle said, looking at me worriedly.

"Of course." I said, getting out of the bed.

"I need leave for a day. Only just clear my mind. I will tell you why after I come back tomorrow." She explained to me.

"Is there something we, I can do so you don't have to be away from us?" I asked, holding Shelly in my arms.

"No, sorry baby. I just need to get away for the day. I promise I will tell you why and come back before breakfast tomorrow. Please." Shelly said, wrapping her arms around my waist, kissing my chest.

"Call me around lunch time and before you go to bed. Please babe." I said, kissing he forehead.

"Of course I will. You don't mind if I stay with Joseph for the day?" She asked.

"Yeah sure." I said.

"I'm sorry Harry. I just need to clear my head out." She said. She sounded a bit upset about leaving for the day, I am too, but if that's what she needs, then I won't hold her back.

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