Chapter 12

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(Jo's pov)

I woke up and immediately the acidic smell of vomit, mingled with the scent of vodka hit my nostrils.

It made me gag.

I quickly shot up as the memories of last night flooded over me. Jose's brother, the threats, his boot pushed into my windpipe and not being able to breath.

Shuddering I stood up, rolled up my sleeping bag and bolted out the door. I got through almost to the kitchen when I was thrown against a wall.

I groaned out in pain and met the drunken eyes of Jose's brother. He might've been young, but I'd heard rumors of how much he could drink. And it was alot.

"And just where do you think your going?" He half hissed, half slurred at me.

"Just leaving." I said looking somewhere, anywhere but in his eyes.

"Not so fast..." He said as his fingers gripped my arms. He dragged towards the kitchen. He took out a knife and bent under the kitchen sink and grabbed... Rubbing alcohol... Then he ran into another part of the house.

I just stood there, paralyzed by fear and frightened about what he'd do to me if I ran. He returned with some duct tape. I cocked an eyebrow but was too afraid to question it.

He motioned for me to hop up on the counter and I did so. He then proceeded to duct tape my lap and he rolled up my pants and did the same to my legs. He then whipped out the knife and I cringed as the cold metal pierced my skin. He made 5 large cuts that I'd counted, but it was probably more.

He cut more into my other leg and I heard the sound of a cap being twisted off of a bottle.

I screamed out in pain as he poured some rubbing alcohol into the open wounds on both of my legs, the pain seared through my lower body.

"Yeah, hurts don't it?" He fully hissed now, having been sobered up a bit.

I decided not to just sit here and call for help.

"JOSE ABI!!" I shouted before his hand clamped over my mouth.

"Shut the fuck up!" He growled. Just then Jose and Abi came rushing into the kitchen. Jose's brother looked like a deer caught in the head lights and he bolted out the door.

"Oh my god Jo! Are you okay?" Abi asked

"I will be once you wash the rubbing alcohol off of my leg." I hissed. She hurriedly looked around the kitchen for something to pour water onto while Jose ripped the duct tape from my lower body.

I sighed as a paper towel with cold water gently started rubbing away the alcohol and blood from my wound. I hopped off the counter and reached for the door handle when Jose gripped my forearm.

"Let me drive you home." He insisted

"No, no I can't let my parents see me like... This." I motioned to my eyes that were now brimming with tears.

"Then let me drive you to Harry's..." He said. I nodded and he led me out to his car. When I got there I waved and walked into his apartment complex. I'd managed to choke back tears until I got into the elevator.

Thank god no one was on.

I hugged my torso as the sobs came louder and louder. The impact of what had just happened came crashing over me. He could have seriously hurt me.

I got to Harrys room and rapped on the door, praying he'd be awake. Moments later he answered the door half naked and half asleep. He smiled as soon as he saw me but quickly frowned as he saw the tear stains on my cheeks.

"C-can I come in?" I asked and he stood aside. I walked in and just stood in the kitchen, inhaling the scent. It felt warm and welcoming. It calmed me a bit. Harry came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my torso and resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Babe... What happened?" He asked, gently pecking my cheek.

I sighed.

"Jose's brother is what happened."

He growled and spun me around.

"What happened?" He demanded, his eyes raking my body for any visible wounds. I collapsed into his arms and sobbed.

"I-it was like when y-you first found me. H-he cut m-my leg and then poured r-rubbing alcohol on it." I sobbed.

"Shhh shhh... It's okay, you're okay." He assured me and I nodded.

He gently led me towards his couch. He sat me down and rolled up my pant legs. He gasped and shook his head, gathering me into his arms. He started singing softly to me and I realized what song he was singing.

I vaguely remembered telling my favorite song and that was Roger Rabbit by Sleeping With Sirens.

Nobody's gonna love you more if you can't display a way to capture it

Nobody's gonna hold your hand and guide you through no its up for you to understand

Nobody's gonna feel your pain when all is done and it's time for you to walk away...

I hummed along with him and felt a smile tugging at my lips. He suddenly hooked a finger under my chin and tilted my head upwards so I met his emerald eyes.

He leaned down and softly pressed his lips into mine. He pulled away and his eyes became serious.

"Jo... You know I would never hurt you... And Ill try to protect you from being hurt... Right?

"Of course Harry."

"If he so much as TOUCHES you again... I swear to god he won't be out of a hospital bed for weeks."

I shuddered thinking of all the things Harry was capable of. I looked at the clock for the first time today and it was 1:30 pm. My stomach growled to prove the point that it was time for some food.

"Hungry much?" Harry chuckled and I blushed.

"Come on, ill make you some sandwiches styles style." I laughed at his cheesy joke.

After we had finished eating he pulled me into a hug, wrapping his arms around the back of my neck protectively. I lazily draped my arms around his waist. He pulled away just enough to crash his lips into mine.

"Lets watch some movies yeah?" He said into the kiss. I broke away and nodded, walking into the living room and sitting down on the couch. He popped in a movie and sat down next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I rested my head on his shoulder as the movie started...

*A/N ugh why is it so friggen short! sorry I felt like you guys needed an update. Thank you so much for 200+ readers! It's really what motivates me to keep updating. If you do want to look up Roger Rabbit make sure it is the ACOUSTIC version. I like that one so much better. Stay beautiful (; mwuah bbyz (: *

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