Chapter 9

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*A/N okay the slightest bit of smut bbyz! Nothing major c:*

(Jo's pov)

I woke up cold and in someone else's bed. I rolled over and saw Harry on the other side of the bed and the blanket kicked on the floor. I crawled on my hands and knees of to him and nibbled on his ear. He groaned and swatted me away

"go away mum." He mumbled and I had to choke back laughter. He thought I was his mum in his sleep.

"Harryyyyy.." I whined into his ear kissing down the soft skin on his neck.

"Hmmmm..." He mumbled still half asleep,

"I'm cold Harry." I said into the skin of his collarbone, I kissed my way up to the back of his ear, sucking on the soft skin making his eyes pop open.

"Jo..." He hesitated

"hmmm?" I mumbled against his skin,

"I'm cold." He whined and I burst out laughing.

"We'll if you hadn't kicked the blanked off the bed we wouldn't be dealing with this problem." I retorted. He rolled lazily over and met my eyes,

"Mornin' beautiful." He smiled,

wow. his morning voice was seriously sexy.

"Hi." I smiled and he pecked my lips. I hopped off the bed and tried to walk away when Harry tugged on my arm, yanking me back into the warm bed next to him.

"Where are you going?" He whined.

"To make your lazy ass breakfast." I said kissing his cheek and getting up again. I walked into the kitchen, scouring the fridge for eggs and bacon. After the food and mess was cleaned up I looked at the clock and realized it was 2 in the afternoon.

Holy shit we slept late.

"What do you wanna do today?" He asked coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Hmm... I don't know... Any suggestions?"

"How about we go... Clubbing? I've been seriously dying to see you in a sexy dress." He chuckled, his words making my stomach bubble.

"Mm sounds fun." I said and we swayed back and forth.

"Ill drop you off at home and pick you up at 9. Is it cool with your parents that you go clubbing?" I thought for a minute.. I'd never really asked if I could go before but I figured they'd be okay with it.

"Let me check." I said walking into his room and grabbing my phone off the nightstand where I'd left it. I unlocked it and saw a text from Tim flash across the screen.

"From Tim: come on sexy. Go on a date with me. Like old times."

I rolled my eyes in disgust and bit my lip, typing out a reply.

"To Tim: No."

That should do it. I then shot a timid text to my dad

"to: Daddehhh! Hey dad... Can me and Harry go clubbing tonight?"

I sat on the duvet and realized I was nervous that he'd say no and I'd disappoint Harry. My phone buzzed in my lap making me startle.

"From: Daddehhh! Sure honey. But be extremely careful. And wear something Schmexy ;)"

he said and I rolled my eyes

"To: Daddehhh! Lol thanks dad. And I don't think I own anything 'Schmexy'"

"From: Daddehhh! There's a black graduation dress that's skin tight sitting in the back of your closet if I do recall correctly ;)"

Id forgotten all about that, I'd graduated from highschool a few months ago and had worn a skimpy black dress underneath my gown.

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