A Turn in Time

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It had been easy to miss Robb the second time he left.

In some ways it was harder than that first time, but in other ways not. I no longer had the time to worry about him as often or to write letters that I'd never send, because instead I was looking after our son.

Of course, in no way was I alone, but sometimes it felt that way.

Once already had we been parted by the troubles of war, but this time it felt real; like I might never see him again.

We'd shared a brief moment before he left, but it was all but enough. A quick goodbye and a kiss, my hand reached to where my silver wolf necklace had once been.

The wolves are all gone, all but one.

A gentle giggle sounded from the bundle in my arms. He was always smiling, and every time it was impossible to resist doing the same.

He had nothing in particular to smile and laugh about, but the world just seemed brighter through his hazel eyes.

We'd decided to call him Brandon, Brandon Stark. Like Robb's younger brother and many other great Stark's before him. The name suited him, but Lady Catelyn had said as soon as she laid eyes on him how similar he looked to Robb when he was born. That made me smile.

I received a raven from Highgarden shortly after the news had been shared. Mother wrote that she hoped I was happy, and that she would visit if not for all the fighting.

All of the North, even I as a part of it now, wished that Lord Stark would be freed.

He'd been sentenced for treason, but even to me that seemed highly unlikely, and the stories of the boy-king Joffrey were all but favouring in his case.

Robb had set out twice now to bring his father home, if only it was that easy, and we both knew the truth. If he were to go to Kings Landing unaccompanied, only the God's knew how that would have ended. Instead, he chose to ride with an army behind him – a great army of the North.

It was Lady Catelyn who had struggled the most with Ned being away, and it was her that suggested that the second time Robb left, she go with him. And so she did.

It was lonely without the company of those I had known and got to love.

Often I dreamed of riding off behind them and catching up, but I knew I couldn't leave my son behind. That was still a strange thought. I was the mother of a child new to the world. I had to grow up, and fast. But that was when the raven came.

Eddard Stark was dead.

A Northern Rose - Game of Thrones // Robb StarkWhere stories live. Discover now