Chapter 10

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On a sunny weekend like this, I would always find myself loafing on my bed but not this particular day. It all thanks to the agenda that was made by Miss Weirdo to fool her suitor. Does she really hates that young man or the idea of dating so much that she would arrange up a grand scheme like this. Whatever the reason is not relevant by now as I already agree to goes with her plan. Still, there is still one fundamental problem in today's date and the problem is no other than the pioneer herself. Miss Weirdo is yet to show up, we should have meet up an hour ago. On the other side, the other main subject of this scheme, the young man can be seen in my line of sight despite the crowd that litter around the plaza. The young man looks pretty restless as he keep scanning through the surrounding to find any signs of Miss Weirdo's arrival.

Finally, after a few minutes that feel like an eternity of waiting Miss Weirdo decided to show up. Her choice of dressing today is rather different than her usual tom-boyish style. Long skirt paired with frilly blouse and completed with a high heels. High heels!? I thought a species like her would never wear that kind of footwear. Her footsteps are rather wobbly just like a drunken flamingo, it is obvious this is her first time or two wearing it.

"Pffftt" Seeing this display of clumsiness is already a just payment for the one hour of waiting.

"What is so funny!?" Miss Weirdo voiced her dissatisfaction.

"The way you walk" I blurted out my own demise in the form of a jab to the rib bones. She sure has a fetish on jabbing people's rib bone.

"Come on! We are late on schedule here" She grabbed my hand and leads the way without showing any sheds of remorse for her late arrival. This alone can proof that women are unhealthily ignorant in their own faults. Miss Weirdo tightens her grip on my hand as she keeps dragging me along.

At this moment I am sure there is one pair of eyes staring dagger at us and it definitely coming from the young man.

The plan goes well as Miss Weirdo brought me to various place in the town which I rarely visited. Only halfway through the plan, the young man can't be seen anymore and Miss Weirdo concluded that plan has fulfilled its purpose. What a crude decision, that is what I thought.

"So, want to continue the date? As a reward" she asked me with a cheeky giggle.

I glanced at my watch, it is already 3.00 P.M and going back at this time is a too much waste for a good weather we are having. So I accepted her request.


Her eyes widen in disbelief as she heard my answer.

"Have you fallen for me? I thought a person like you would prefer to spend the time in the bedroom and sleep"

"Quit your unrealistic assumption and lead the way"

"There is a place with good food, wanna go?"

"The choice is yours"

"Okay then, you won't regret it!" she claims with a boastful smile.

As she takes me to visit a famous restaurant in the downtown, Miss Weirdo keep telling me about how good the food is which entices me a little. While waiting for the traffic light I surveyed around this part of town where I never came before. People here and there, constantly on the move in all directions. This reminds me why I love to stay at home.

Finally my eyes fixated on the figure besides me, Miss Weirdo looked shell-shocked. I don't know what happened to her but I know that she is staring at the group of people on the trail ahead. As the light turns green she rushed ahead the other pedestrian, but after only a few steps she fell down to her knees. I rushed toward Miss Weirdo only to be push away by her as she rejects my aid. One of her high heels she wore is broken and her knees are bleeding.

"Stop right there, you are hurt" I command her.

She didn't bother to comply as she keeps hobbling ahead. While she may be injured, she can still walk pretty fast. I chased after her to no avail due to the rushing crowd that quickly engulfs her presence. Reaching at the other side of the road I found her glancing around searching for something that still remains a mystery to me.

"Stop right there!" I repeated my instruction. I jogged toward her and manage to grab her by the arm.

"Let me go!" she squealed in dismay as she kept on hobbling forward.

I tighten my grip on her and pull her back.

"What's your problem!?" I asked her again with visibly annoyed frown on my face.

She glared hard at me for stopping her. The reflections of her eyes clearly show that she is filled with anger and annoyance.

"I SAID LET ME GO!!!" she screamed out at the top of her lungs.

I loosen my grip on her upon hearing her outburst. She is determined to continue her pursuit. Watching her hobbling steps I can't help but to worry. So I decided to follow her, just in case she needs any help. Just as I decided to do so, she noticed my movement and turns her head around.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" she lets out yet another scream which gather the attention of surrounding pedestrians.

At this time I finally gave up to bother her with my offer of assistance. I stood still there long after she is gone wondering what might cause her to do that. Still I am no sleuth that can sniffs out any clue of her doings.

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