Chapter 6

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The following morning I woke up much earlier than the previous weeks before, with the clock displaying 07.16 A.M. Quite a miracle for a night's person such as myself. Seeing the clock time's display, I curled up in the blanket more trying harder to get back to sleep. But my effort seems to end in naught. With the drowsiness slowly sapping away from my eyelids, I realize that I cannot laze around on my bed any longer. I proceed to stretch my stiffed body parts on the bed from head to toes. With my eyes slowly adjusting to the sun lights seeping through my curtains, I glanced around the interior of my bedroom to see all my furniture still in their usual place. Nothing interested me in particular except my body feels light and refreshed, a feeling that I've long forgotten since my day one as a bartender. In one swift move I pulled open the curtain to bright up the dimly lighted room. I stood still on the same spot to enjoy the warmth of sunlight for a minute.

The once in a blue moon event calls for a little celebration. A breakfast might be a good choices, it has been a long time since I had one. Normally I would only wake up during afternoon or after nightfall. This maybe a very trivia thing for the normal folks, but this means a lot for me. Turning up the TV that has been left untouched for months brings a wave of worry for me. I am a not sure whether the TV will work after such a long time. But seeing the image showing up on the screen has proven that my worry remains... a worry. The fridge in the kitchen is always full with all sorts of food and ingredients. It is a preparation for me in case if I fall sick again, with the food supply in my fridge I won't need to go out to get one. I grabbed a nearby bottle of milk in my reach and drink it straight from the container.

I let the TV on as I prepare my breakfast, the TV has served its purpose well by providing background sound. This scene in my kitchen seems to be a perfectly everyday life of normal folks minus the family members that gather around the dining table by this time. This fact never bothers me though. The years of living alone here has morphed me into an independent person. I don't mind if there are people that can accompany me here, but it is not a necessity for me. It is just the matter of choices for me.

Finally my breakfast is ready... a sunshine front egg, fried sausages and completed by a bottle of milk that its expiry date is only weeks away. I paused for a moment to admire my masterpiece. I can't be sure if the taste can be regarded as a high standard meal but I don't mind the taste either as the only person that is going to eat it, is me. The weather report stated today would be a sunny day with moderate temperature, perfect day to have a walk outside.

Somehow I found my legs lead me venturing into the city park. It takes about a 15 minutes journey on foot from here to there. An unarguable fact, this is an impressive feat for a guy that spent most of his time indoor. Nevertheless, my leg just decided to give up on me after reaching to the park. I desperately searched for a bench to rest this weak body of mine. When I reached a wooden bench near the pedestrian path, I was welcomed by a cold breeze of wind that saps away a tiny portion of my fatigue. The warm air and broader sky remind me that the spring has visited this land yet again. I closed my eyes to savor this lovely weather. My little enjoyment was disturbed by the sounds of loud footsteps. It was coming from a little boy running towards my direction with his parents following behind. There is nothing worth mentioning from this family of three, with the exception of the man closing in to the boy from behind.

My eyes are locked in on that man. That man is none other than Mr. Punctuality himself. As he keeps closing in to me, our eyes eventually met. He gave me a nod with a big smile on his face. I can only assume that his household problem is already solved, but it is really solved? At that moment I have a zestful urge to stop and ask him a question.

"What about the girl?"

I try hard to resist this urge of mine to do this and waited him to disappear from my sight. Somehow I managed to hold it down with the help of my rational reasoning.

"There is nothing that concerns you in this issue! What will you even get if you know the answer? Who is that girl to you anyway?" I reiterate these in my thought over and over again to keep my mind occupied so it won't tell me to chase after that man.

Long after the blissful family is gone, I was left all alone with my troubled mind staying at my side. I felt irritated and helpless at the same time. Irritated by the fact of possible one-way solution the man had deploy to save his own ass and helpless as I am in no position to do anything about it.

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