Chapter 2

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The old man clock that that I bought from the antique shop is now pointing at 02.13 A.M. It is pretty cheap for a clock its size, standing taller than a average person. With a note from the antique shop's boss, the previous owner died after being struck down by the clock while trying to move it. A quite bizarre way to die, if you ask me. Object like this is regarded as a bad omen for most people like the shop owner, but for me it is just another good bargain. After all, I am not a superstitious person to begin with.

It is just the end of another business days, many things still need to be done. A major downside of having yourself as your own boss and worker at the same time. What followed after that is a casual little walk to the park and some shopping at the local 24 hour super market. The same path, same destination and same state of mind every weekday. With this kind of routine I managed to survive another day.

Finally home after 05.34 A.M, I washed my tired body and arrange the shopping goods to the fridge before throwing myself to bed.

Night time comes very fast for me after waking up at 04.03 P.M. There are only three hours left before opening business again. Still my tired limbs refused to budge even for just one inch. My body feels heavy, it won't give any room for negotiation or compromise for me. Looks like the irregular work-hour and my daily routine has taken a toll on this mortal body.

"Screw it!" cowering up in the blanket I continue my sleep and the journey back to the dreamland. The dream that greeted me in my sleep is about a person that seems to happen once in awhile in these days. A person with a shoulder length and midnight black hair. Yes.... That person is a she.

Monday night seems to be a bad day for business as all those office workers are now fully recharged to face another beginning of the week. Maybe one or two day later, their energy will run out and they will come here again. There is one more possibility, maybe this is caused by the pub two day-closing incident that discourage them to come again today. The last two day I spent most of my time curling up in the blanket, only coming out a moment for a bathroom break and some meal. It is just like hibernation but on human scale. I should really watch on my sleep schedule and evaluate my routine now.

The wooden door slowly opened as the hinge lets out an ear piercing sounds. Maybe it is time to give it a little oil I thought. Coming out from behind the door is a feminine figure, an eye catching sort of person with her slim figure and shoulder length black hair. The oval shaped face, sweet lips and sharp eyes that resemble those of a cat complement her beauty further.

"Is this place still open?" she started while looking around at the furniture set of the pub.

Pausing for a moment to gaze at her beauty, I was mesmerized by her unlikely presence at this god forsaken place. She is not a regular here and definitely not a local resident here.

"O, of course" I stuttered and quickly occupy myself with wiping the glass in my reach to cover the embarrassment.

The woman let out a slight chuckle as she began to walked to toward a chair in front of the bar stand and sat down.

"Give me your strongest stuff" the woman smiled as she gave me a flirtatious wink.

I can't say that I am not attracted to her beautiful face but this kind of act has little effect on me. This lady better watch her conduct with men, they are a kind of animal that is very easy to misunderstand this kind of treatment toward them. Especially it was coming from an attractive woman like her.

"Chill out miss, are you sure you can handle that?"

"Are you looking down at me? Is it because I am a woman? Give me all your storage if you can! I drank booze instead of milk when I was young!" the woman fired the barrels of word furiously completely erasing the lady's image before. But I must say, she has a fiery temper for her sweet face.

"My apology miss..," I apologized with my head bowing down and wait for her forgiveness. No response was given. I can't bring myself to raise my head and look her as I can feel her staring daggers to me. For a change of strategy I crouched down to search for anything that might suit her taste in the rack below. That is when an idea struck me and following that train of thought I proceeded to do so.

"Here is the strong one!" I claimed with a translucent bottle in my hand. The bottle was filled with brown-colored liquid and some foreign word written on the label. I would not want to lose this kind of customer here. With a subject like her being a regular here will surely boost the pub's business.

Finally a wide smile is shown on her face. Her emotion comes and goes so easily like the way wind blows, unpredictable.

"That's more like it".

She grabbed the bottle as soon as I opened the cap. She tilted the bottle to her lips letting the liquid flowing down straight to her throat.

"I would not drink it like that if..."my sentence was cut short after seeing her totally fine with that way of drinking.

As the woman wipe her lips dry, she stared at me with her sharp eyes. I avert my eyes from her. Her eyes transmit a strong and resolute aura that can make easily a weaker being such as me flinch.

If she is an animal, I am sure she can be classified as the apex predator. The top of the food chain and as a predator being curious is one of it's trait.

Like I said so, she opens her jaws a second after that.

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