Chapter 7

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Once again, it is another busy day at the pub. I hardly managed to cope with the incoming order from time to time. Among the midst of those crowd sits a woman, the one woman that has been the source of attention in this place. Miss Weirdo, it is how I named her. She seems to be enjoying the atmosphere here. She isn't drinking anything though, but her existence here alone is already a big help. It is not a rare happening for one or two man hitting on her but only to find themselves rejected right on the spot. She is just like the carnivorous flower that attracts insects with sweet scent only to eat them up. As the late hour approaches, the people in the pub begin to leave. Finally the last one remaining here is no other than the venus fly-trap "Miss weirdo".

"It is pretty late now missy, not going back yet?" I asked her while I am still busy cleaning the glasses.

"Still not a thought about that" She answered with a nonchalant tone in her voice.

Her answer didn't amuse me. "Well you should think about that, because it is about time to close the pub"

"Don't be so uptight! I still haven't had my drink yet, take out the one I drank before!"

I don't have any plan in hand when dealing this kind of people. She is a person that will try their hardest to get anything she wants with every way possible. I crouched down to search for the same drink she had before.

"Only 3 servings for you, after that, go home!"I put some assertive tone to emphasize my demands hoping that she will comply. She voices her dissatisfaction right on the moment I gave my order, which is not a surprise for me.

"How is there a bartender that barred his customer from drinking too much?"

"Now you have one here" I poured her 3 servings despite her gripe.

"I've seen your job vacancy post out there, need a pair of hand?"

Her sudden inquiry interested me. It will be the best if she can introduce one or two people to work here.

"You have friends in need of money?"

"No! I am the one that needs some extra cash, I have no job experience before but I learn fast" she replied quickly.

Now that is something you would not expect to hear from her. Miss weirdo's interest in working here astonished me. She doesn't look like a person that has any financial problem judging from her appearance.

"I don't mind an extra hand here but are you sure you can handle this job?" I can't help to have a slight of doubt in her. Her chirpy and headstrong nature might be a tricky problem for me to handle.

"Of course I am ready! Or else why I am asking about it if I am not ready?" she claimed so with her boasting tone of speech.

I am in no position to be a choosy one either, with the growing numbers in crowd coming here. Two persons are always better than one even if she doesn't have any job experience before. She stares at me in a way a kid craves for a candy bar, full of anticipation.

"All right... you can start tomorrow, any problem?"

"I can start right now if you want Boss!" She begins to clean up the table nearby with a real passion in her.

If there is something good that can be use to describe her, it would be her spirited personality.

"Just be careful, don't break any glasses"

At the same moment I warned her, some of the glasses slip through her hand and the shattering sound of glasses follow soon.

That night 4 of my wine glasses perish in her care.

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