Chapter 5

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A week past after that day, It has been a long time since the pub business has been this good. Faces I haven't seen before began to show up out of nowhere, a definite sign of the growing business. Only an occasional unidentified substance that can still be found again on my doorway being the sole reason of my complaint. The job vacancy announcement that I put on still got no reply yet. With the business this good it will be pretty handy for a people or two to help up, but I doubt that there are any people willing to take this job. Given the irregular work hours it can be considered a norm if no one would take this job even if there is someone who want to do it, they will only last for a month or so and i am not exactly pleased with that. Having to teach them the basics all over again.

"The night is still young!"

A young man yelled as he climbed up the table. With a bottle of beer in his hand he started to dances. Luckily, most of the customers already left, but this young man just started to become a major pain in the ass to handle.

"Technically, it is morning now"

I corrected his drunken choices of word while trying to pull him down from the table.

"Let me fly! Don't bind me!" he started to flails his arms around pretending to be a bird. This kind of situation reminded me the necessity of this place for an extra labor.

"You need a hand? Mr. Bartender?"

A familiar voice can heard from the direction of the entrance. Whoever you are, it will be a great pleasure to have your help. I turned my head around to see a woman clad in black colored garments from head to toes. The owner of the voice is no other than the self-proclaimed alcohol immune woman that visited here before.

"No, please have your seat"

The sarcastic answer I gave her backfires. She just sat down on the nearby sofa. With a teasing grin she picks up the menu and scans through it.

"It was a joke, Please help me!" I pleaded her while struggling to hold down the young man with my arms.

Hearing my pleas she jumps up and grabbed the flailing arm of the man. With her aid I managed to take the trouble-maker to the main road. She halted a cab by the road side. The easy job is on her and the hard one, getting the man's address. Imagine asking a wasted young man his home address, it was just like asking a toddler about the truth of our existence. Lucky for me, the cab driver told us to let him in his care. What a professional job attitude, I must commend him. He must have handled tons of these kinds of case before.

"I love you! Haruka! Don't leave me!" the young man begins to yell out a girl's name as I closed the cab's door.

"I know, I know, I love you too" I replied.

"I didn't know you swing that way"

Her sudden words struck me in confusion.

"Swing what way?" clearly I am lost with her statement.

"What I mean is, I didn't know you like guys too" she said so while punching my arm.

"No! It is just a joke" I try to clarify the misperception of her.

She placed both of her hands on my shoulder and stares hard at me. Her pupils were shining brightly under the street lights resembling those of a cat, I wondered how many guy had become the victim of her alluring gaze.

"I am pretty open-minded you know! No need to be shy, my fellow sister"

Her teasing is getting on my nerves now.

I shoved away her hands and turned my back on her. Detecting the annoyed frown on my face she realized that her teasing has gone out of hand and began to chase after me.

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