Chapter 12

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I couldn't do it anymore.

Days and days of endless searching had taken place of my vacation. With every minute, more doubt filled my mind. With every cry, desperation seized me.

The worst part of the situation was telling Jewel's parents. I was the one to call them because I felt that I could explain the occurrence better than anyone. And I felt that it was the least I could do since all of this was my fault anyway…But once Jewel’s mother picked up the phone, all cheery and upbeat, I broke down in sobs all over again. I could barely get my words out.

As soon as I was able to collect my thoughts and confess to Jewel’s mom, she lost it. I can’t even begin to describe her reaction. She just grew hysterical and Jewel’s dad was forced to come on the phone to ask what was even going on…which meant I had to retell the entire story once again. It was so draining to deal with everything all at once. I craved my bed back at home; I craved for the times before my life took a turn for the worse.

I just needed Jewel to be standing next to me - perfectly fine.

As soon as I got off the phone with Jewel’s parents, they headed for Blue Hill, Maine in search of their daughter. It seemed that the whole world was looking for Jewel, but no one got any closer to finding her. Every day that came and passed damaged my hope. I was left all alone in thought. Half of me was lost, and I knew that I would never be whole again.

Countless hours of going crazy for any trace of Jewel turned into countless days. Before I knew it, my vacation was gone. And we decided to stay longer than expected. No way was I leaving Jewel behind just like that. I planned on lingering in Maine for as long as possible. I didn’t care if it was all summer.

It was so weird to see police cars everywhere, helicopters flying over the ocean, news stories on television - all for Jewel’s disappearance. And each random person who would go about questioning what had happened reminded me of myself; I used to be one of those random people, wishing I knew more facts. Now I knew too much.

I wished I could take it back. It was all my fault that Jewel was gone. I never should have allowed her to go out there. I was such a stupid, worthless friend.

It was already August before I knew it. Everyone had seemed to have completely forgotten all about Jewel.

Not me, though. Nor my family. Nor Jewel’s family.

But everyone else continued on with their lives as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Now that I was the one experiencing such pain, I felt like a total jerk for not caring enough about people who lost someone dear to them. Sure, I always was compassionate and sorry for those people, but I never realized just how tough it was to be in their place.

I’ve continuously heard the expression, “Life goes on”, since I was a little girl. I always believed in it, too. But not anymore. Not since I lost Jewel. Life could never go on. Not without my other half. Not without my sister.

I didn’t want life to go on. Sure, I wasn’t about to do something horrible to myself or anything. But honestly, if my time to go was right then and there, I wouldn’t have cared at all. My life was meaningless without Jewel.

One night, in the middle of August, I snuck out for a walk. But I didn’t dare go on the beach this time.

Walking on the streets of Blue Hill, Maine, I saw happy people; So many giddy teens danced around, displaying such joy that I wanted cry. That used to be Jewel and me.

I didn’t know where I was going…I really didn’t. All I knew was that I needed to get away. So I continued strolling on my own, head down, staring at my feet with every step I took.

For some odd reason, when I finally looked up, I found myself standing in front of Jewel’s Sweet Escape - the ice cream shop. I froze. How did I end up there? I didn’t wanna be there. I wanted to get away, not face more and more memories and reminders.

Suddenly, the sound of bells rang in my ears. I quickly diverted my eyes to the door of the ice cream parlor. The bells were hung on the inside of the parlor, right on top of the door. But they were so loud that I was sure the door was wide open. How else could the bells have sounded so loud?

The door was closed, though.

The, out of nowhere, I felt the strangest and strongest need to go inside Jewel’s Sweet Escape.

Of course I couldn’t, though…it was late at night and the parlor was closed. It didn’t stay open too late. Only bars and restaurants around here did.

But when I pushed lightly on the door, it opened right away - no problem at all. And all of the sudden, I found myself standing in the pitch black, all alone.

Or so I thought.

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