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I've been following this one for two weeks. She's old, creaky, and nearing her end. Never mind her though, it's more about me. I mean, isn't it all. I don't mean to sound pompous, but it's the truth. Fun fact, I have a great sense of humor. Fun fact 2, that wasn't a joke. Also, I suppose you could say I've got a fiery temper and a lot of friends, but not for very long. I'm pretty infamous and, that being have lots of names. Some call me Reaper, but that's kind of formal. You, however, are quite likable. So then, why don't you call me Death?


Author's note: Yes, I do mean for this to be creepy, but not overly scary. I suppose you could say I was trying to do a mock-up of Hades's point of view or something, but that is all. These stories are supposed to leave you wondering so if any of you are writing a Greek god or other god/demigod stories I hope this provides some inspiration. This is the only story I will allow for "further expansion" since I NEVER plan on using it. Make sure you give credit, though.

Now, turn the page and continue reading.

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