Just Another Lothario: Chapter 33

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Keira slung another arrow in her bow and aimed it at the enemy. She perfectly released the arrow into one of the foe's head, instantly killing him. Alexander and Ambrose were maintaining their battle well enough on the field. She could spot fallen men from both sides of the war and her heart lurched but this was no time to feel pity. She strung another arrow, ready to be embedded into another opponent when movement on the edge of the horizons caught her eye.

She cursed as she noticed that they were reinforcements for the rebellion. Alexander and Ambrose must have spotted them as well for another signal was sounded; a signal only known to her and the other two men. She had to get to Sylvia.

Keira maneuvered herself atop the castle walls, keeping out of her men's way. She nudged her way to her second in command to take over as she flew into the castle. She mounted the steps to Sylvia's chambers two at a time and raced to the door.

She threw herself in and paused mid-step as her eyes landed on a tearful Sylvia. "We have to get you to safety."

"I am not leaving without Alexander!"

"We've already been through this Syl, he'll come for you when it is safe." Keira slung the large satchel around her shoulder that contained all the necessary survival items they needed to last a few days. Seeing that her sister was reluctant to leave, Keira grabbed Sylvia's wrist gently, yet firm, and tugged her out of the room.


Keira blocked out her sister's protest. Now was not the time to discuss matters. Sylvia's safety was at risk and as her guardian, it was up to her to protect her. They wove through winding paths and staircases until they reached the far back of the castle. Keira felt for the secret passage that was hidden in a small alcove and pushed the wall open.

As the hidden pathway was revealed, Keira pushed Sylvia through it and made sure no one saw, before gently shutting it closed.

"Make haste, Sylvia." Keira murmured as they pressed sluggishly on.

Sylvia halted in her steps. "I-I can't leave! Alexander... what if something happens to him?!" Tears formed on the rim of her eyes.

A minor irritation formed at the back of Keira's mind, which caused a start within her. This was a new emotion for her. How could she feel such a way toward her sister? She shook her head visibly and pushed the thoughts aside; this was not the time to think of such things.

"Sylvia, we don't have time for this, we have to get you to safety!" Keira nudged her to move but Sylvia's stubbornness kept her at root. Keira sighed heavily, without another thought Sylvia was slung over her shoulder and Keira trudged on.

"Put me down!" Sylvia cried.

Keira ignored her protests and crept in the darkness and used her free hand to find the end of the corridor. As cool stone met her fingers, she searched once more for the opening. She placed Sylvia back on her feet and told her to crawl through the circular exit.

Sylvia was hesitant but got on all fours and clambered her way through the tunnel after her sister. Dim lighting filtered ahead of them and it took only a few hard kicks from Keira before the grate blocking their escape fell open.

Keira stepped out of the humid atmosphere before helping Sylvia up. The way they just came from was concealed by shrubbery and large foliage. She listened intently for sounds of any oncoming dangers before she tugged Sylvia after her.

They ventured into the jungle for a while before they came across the horses that were saddled for them. "Get on the horse, Sylvia," Keira murmured before mounting one of the dark colored steeds.

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