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“Where is [God]? Here He is—He is hanging here on this gallows.”


this single night

where in my mind

humanity hangs

by a thread;

the empty void I feel inside—

where my soul once lived,

But where is it now?


this single night

when we have ceased to be people,

where God’s people

no longer live

and scarcely exist,

where the dead and the living

are one and the same. 


this single night

all the times I cannot bear

to gaze upon the mirror

for when I do so

the orbs I see through

shatter. I cannot see myself

because there is nothing

but a death that lives inside.

A corpse.


this single night

the times when only the shadows

keep me warm,

And the living corpses—

my only company;

when a cemetery becomes my home,

and the air grows stale.


this single night

the dark world God has trapped me in,

a box only able to be opened

from the outside;

night, who wields the knife

that has murdered God

and now night, an eternal night

for God will never be able to raise the sun again.

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