Caged Bird

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There was once a bird

as beautiful as any other

with wings of every color

the wind has ever kissed

Feathers like the diamond sky,

Golden like the sun,

Red like a burning fire,

And green like the sparkle

that dances upon the waves of the sea.

And like any other bird

This one bird loved to sing

Of course singing is what attracts other birds

But this bird loved the songs

that were sung very much like hers

Other birds thought her strange

And they laughed and squawked—

The bird tried to maintain a high head

and strong wings,

but really none could see

that she felt broken inside

For she couldn’t help the type of song

she was attracted to most

Though she sung beautifully

with a voice of unique,

This bird locked herself in a cage

to escape those who wished

to break her wings

and keep her from flying.

And thus she became the caged bird

With wings as beautiful as any other

And a song so lovely;

But she never left the cage

and though she had wings,

She never flew again.

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