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I still see his face

The man who was terrified for his life.

Fear lived in his eyes

And they shook,

Tears like thunderous waves

Crashing with emotion.

His lips quivered

As he cried out endlessly for mercy;

But pride wouldn't allow for mercy

And hearing him beg just sickened me to ends.

His honor had abandoned him

As so did his life for it was I who ended it.

And that was right

Or so I thought.

I still see his face

Every night, haunting my dreams.

He had gone down fighting

For those he loved-

To protect them.

And now it is I who had lost my honor.

I could have kept my dignity

If only I had the courage to spare his life.

Now I only loathe myself

For not only had I become a coward;

I had become a monster.

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