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MAddie's POV

I was taken out of my daze by Liam rapidly shaking my shoulders and yelling


 I then looked up at him and the rest of the  boys and they all had scared faces on I just looked down ashamed and played with my fingers. 

“sorry I didn’t mean to sometimes I just doze off” I said very quietly. But nobody answered back its ok or thats fine or anything so I guessed that it wasn’t ok.

 “ Paul just texted me he said to meet him at the Robin Hood Doncaster airport in 10 minutes” Zayn spoke up. (That is a real airport in Doncaster by the way) 

“Alright tell him we will be there soon with Madison” Louis said because he was driving the van.

 When we got there I looked down at the floor and prayed that there would be a crowd so that I could run. When the boys opened the door the screams went right through my ears, YES there was a crowd I could try to run.

 The boys got out one by one and I was last to get out. I crossed my arms so that none of them could hold my hand or pick me up. Niall put out a hand for me to hold but I just stared at it and then looked away. 

I scanned the crowd for an opening to run and right as I spotted one I sprinted as fast as I could and Harry was the first to follow me with the rest of the boys behind. I was now at about the middle of the crowd and none of them had gotten me yet and I was kind of surprised but I was a pretty fast runner. I saw an exit of the crowd and ran as fast as I could to it. 

As I got out of the crowd I kept sprinting down the sidewalk and around the corner. I think I lost them but I kept running down the street not knowing where to go next until a pair of large hands wrapped around my tiny torso and and I felt strait down to the cement. 

I yelped out in pain and a few tears slipped out of my eyes and I shut them trying to forget the pain. More and more tears slipped out and I was picked up off the ground and carried back I still didn’t know who was carrying me so I opened my eyes to find Louis carrying me down the street back to the end of the crowd where the boys were. 

Help Me...please!?(Adopted By One Direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now