CH. 4

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Madison POV 

I was in someones arms rapped in someones coat and I know I should be fighting back but i’m too tired and I cant even open my eyes. We walked down the street and entered a car. I knew it was small because I again felt claustrophobic. 

I was sat on someones lap and falling asleep but I was too scared not because i’m in the hands of five teenagers but because of the nightmares because of the flashbacks because I don’t even know these guys names but i’m can’t ask because i’m not supposed to talk unless talked too and I was not talked too so I can’t talk. 

I feel asleep even thought I didn’t dare to but I did. I was haunted by my nightmares again and again different ones over and over again and then I woke up. We were still in the car but we were parked. 

I had tears streaming down my face and five pairs of eyes burning holes right through me. 

 I sat up and took my head off the light brown haired boys chest (Louis) and moved off of his lap and on my own seat and they watched my every move. Then a boy with black hair that was very steep, bit like a ski jump asked if I was ready to go. 

we were parked outside a large building that said American Airlines in big letters on the front. I wasn’t the smartest in the world but I guessed this was an airport. 

I have never been on a plane before.

 Then the same boy brought me out of my daze “ are you ok love” I answered with a small nod. “Where are we going” I asked without even thinking. Crap i’m not supposed to talk. 

“Sorry I didn’t mean to talk please don’t hit me” ever sense that day my mom slapped me I could feel pain, all pain, every pain. 

“Love why would you think we would hit you” Liam said in a concerned voice “because thats what everyone else does” Im mumbled 

 “honey what do you mean what everyone else does” “Oh crap I said that out loud” “ just never mind I don’t want to talk about it please” I said so soft they probably couldn’t hear but they did.

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