IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 30 -Part 2-

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Anyone other than this Author see Harry Potter 7 Part 2?: I saw it! I actually saw it! In 3D, which really hurt my eyes. I have glasses so it made my vision really weird afterward. But it was epically epic! But on a negative note, I have severe writer’s block. Like wow, this isn’t really the time for this at all. I know what I want to write, but the words won’t come to be. It’s rather suckish. This story has nearly 60,000 reads. I. Feel. Like. I’m. Going. Crazy. With. Suppressed. Happiness. My dad is in the space next to me and well, I don’t want him to think I’ve lost a few marbles). I remember when I flipped about having like 5,000 reads and now this is nearly 10,000 times better than that time.

I Was Dared to Love You (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)

Chapter 30: My Speeder Rocks This Boat

-Part 2-: Holding Onto Me Tightly. Too Tightly.

            Shaking Draco off of my shoulder, I lead him over to the sled. My precious Speeder was aligned perfectly, right in front of a premade jump. This may be Draco’s first time sledding, but it sure wasn’t mine. And well, let’s just say I like to get a bit of air as I’m speeding. Might as well go all out, right? Plus I wanted to Draco to feel a bit scared. The feeling of him squeezing my middle was sure to make me want more. And who’s to say I don’t secretly want that?

            Definitely wasn’t me.

            I don’t think so anyway.

            Grinning to myself, I saddle into the front of my red sled. Flicking my wrist at the scaredy-pants that was Draco Malfoy, I watch as he waddles over. The snow pants I had given him, hunters orange nonetheless, were way too big for him. On me they were even worse, though. He was just lucky I didn’t get him my mom’s flowers and bumble-bee pair. They were her favorite, so I don’t think he would’ve been allowed to wear them anyways.

            The familiar feel of his gloved hands and jacketed arms encased my waist. He had already sat down and was fixating his position to be more comfortable. At first Draco was only slightly gripping my waist, which bothered me immensely. So, getting a back bone for once, I grab his hands and pull him a bit forward. He freaks and tightens his arms as a reaction, just what I was hoping he would do.

            “Hey, Gav?” I regrettably start up a short conversation with the pip-squeak of a man.

            Gavin’s intense brown eyes perk up from his pout, for whatever reason it was there for, and looked at me. If he were a dog, had a tail, plus a simple mind, I’m sure he would start panting and wag his tail in expectation. Of course I had to crush his childish fantasies just a little bit.

            So I say, while patting the edge of my red Speeder, “Can you give us a push to get us started?”

            Instantly his happiness deflates. Poor kid thought he had a chance with an “older” woman. I’m sure he doesn’t even know that just because a girl is rude to you means they like you. As a kid, my mom convinced me that this boy, Jonathan, called me fat because he liked me and thought I was cute. The next day we went to the beach and I wore my very first bikini. It had yellow polka-dots. Sure enough, he called me fat and even attempted to push me off the deep end. Let’s just say I don’t think he’s able to reproduce anymore, by my mom’s doing of course. Because, sometimes, she’s not such a tightwad. Anyway, that’s off topic. Gavin huffed over and cringed while touching Draco’s back. Gravity took control and thankfully we descended just as Greggie and Devon reached the top.

            The shlllsh-vshh noise the sled made as it made contact with the pristine snow was absolutely beautiful and I loved it. The way Draco kept a sturdy, yet shaking, grip on my middle made my tummy tingle and tremble. If I concentrated I would be able to hear his heart hammering in his chest and the deep, unevenness of his breath as he hyperventilated. It was all going perfect until we hit the first bump.

            As was tradition, the first jump was a starter. It was small and you didn’t get much—if any—air at all. Still, with our measly one inch lift, my blonde haired friend freaked out. He suffocated me into his chest uncomfortably. This was like he wasn’t like the cradling he had been doing a moment ago. No, this was like what a person would do when they were drowning. The grabbed the first thing in sight to be kept afloat. That first thing just so happened to be my very soft stomach. Grunting a bit in pain, I turn with the rope so that we would hit the larger bump. It was always tradition for the second jump to be the largest. The third, and last, would be medium sized so as to not fall off. Most of time no one hit the third jump because we almost always fell off the second one.

            “No, no, no, no! Violet, I don’t wanna!” Draco just about screamed in my ear as he noticed the second jump. Laughing in the muahaha fashion, I pull us even closer to the small hill. We hit it with great accuracy, flying right off the middle. Grinning wickedly, I ravish the feeling of being airborne. Draco and I were a good foot and a half off the ground, flying with the wind. Closing my eyes, I wish that this feeling would never stop. Draco, on the other hand, had a different plan.

            After a few moments of being away from the ground, he flips a lid and army rolls off the sled. With me in tow, might I add. His arms pinched me even tighter and we landed with a thud. My Speeder flew off into the fence and we began body rolling down big hill.

            At first I was on top of him, then he was on top of me, and the pattern repeated as I spit snow from my mouth. As a matter of fact, Draco weighed a frickin’ butt load. Every time we cycled and I ended up on bottom, I muffed a yelp of pain from holding him away from crushing me. I was sure to have bruises up and down my back and obviously on my stomach. Finally, finally, we stopped at the end of the hill.

            Groaning, I look down at those damn gray eyes. They twinkled with curiosity and excitement. Scrunching my brows in confusion, I read his expression again. There was small smile on his lips and a flash of happiness. The git had enjoyed that.

            It was at this moment that I started to hate Draco’s absolute stupidity.


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Love and fireworks,


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