IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 22 -Part 2-

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From that nerd who fails at socializing: Hey, so you’ve reached the X on the map, eh? *realizes there is no map* Oops!! Sorry about that, I’ve been going bonkers lately. I’m only allowed an hour (an hour) on the computer. How is THAT ENOUGH TIME TO WRITE PERFECTION?! *shakes head* I don’t know.

xdarkfantasyx: Rocks? Well, Mattie and I were building little rock castles on people’s front porches, so we had to carry them from where we found the rocks to the people’s porches.

I Was Dared to Love You (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)

Chapter 22: Some Things Just Never Change

-Part 2-: It’s A Two Step Process

-----------| Draco’s POV |------------

            Two Steps to go. Two Steps to go. Follow the plan, follow it just the way Hermione told you to. Don’t forget to do that, and this, especially not that. You can do this, you’re Draco fuckin’ Malfoy for Merlin’s sake! If anyone can do this, you can!

            Growling in frustration, I stop mentally giving myself a pep talk and take a daring glance at Violet next to me. We had been given free time because our project had been complete. All around us you could hear the questioning of extra credit. The whole Anatomy classroom was filled with strange tidbits of every conversation going on at that same moment. Violet seemed unaffected by all the commotion, but I loved peace and quiet every once in a long while. Basically, this was pure torture.

            Carefully, I rubbed my hand on the back of my neck and attempted to look carefree. Violet was doodling in her notebook; it looked to be some bloke getting eaten by a shark … Fuck, I think that’s me! Violet was planning my death. Granger warned me about this, Violet planned slow deaths but envisioned and drew them out beforehand. Looks like I’m going the hard way if I don’t do these Steps right.

            “Mr. Malfoy, Miss Jesperson!” Snape called from the aisle Goyle was in. He sauntered through the aisles until he reached the front of our desk. His thin, sickly fingers were placed on the edge and he spoke quietly, “Since you two are the only ones done so far, I want you two to carry something down to my office.” Even though he spoke silently, only to us, the whole class buzzed and listened closely. So far our reputation in the class wasn’t too good, so they were hoping for some details on our troubles.

            Violet dropped her speckled quill (which I had learned was actually Granger’s) down onto the table and nodded. Without a word, she and I followed Professor Snape over to two small crates. Picking up the smaller of the two, he handed it to Violet. Instantly she let out a groan from the weight.

            “Bloody hell, sir, what are you packing?” came her strained voice.

            Snape smirked while handing me the larger of the crates. The whole weight of the package landed right on my wrists. It weighed more than Goyle and Crabbe put together, I swear. My feet shifted into a better lifting position and I moved my hands so the box was resting on my arms. If this was heavy for me, it must weigh a million times more for weak and helpless Violet. Giving her a strained smirk, I begin our walk to Snape’s office. Which was way across the castle.

-------| “Hey Stranger! I was just thinking dirty thoughts about you!” –A quote |---------

            “Draco! Can we take a break now?” grumbled Violet for the umpteenth time. We had quite a ways to go and my arms were dying to fall off. It didn't help that she wouldn't stop complaining but in reality Professor Snape just helped me. How, you ask? Well …

            Now I could have alone time with Violet and not get detention for snogging in class.

            Get what I mean?

----------| Violet’s POV |-----------

            Damn box, damn Professor Snape, damn Draco; damn dare, damn pride for going through with the dare, damn my weak arms for being so damn weak! Damn it all! Sighing, I drag my arm along the wall, hoping for it to bring my poor arms a little relief.

            “Draco! Can we take a break now?” I grumbled for the thirty-fourth time since we began walking. Continuously, I had kept count on the times I had said that exact line. Just as I was about to ask again, Draco twirled (like a ballerina, quite frankly) on his heel, the crate swing a little further due to the weight. My stance fixed itself subconsciously, thinking he was going to say … tackle me or eat my brains. Instead though, I found Draco dropping his crate to the floor, cupping my cheek, and attempting to snog me!

            I was so shocked that I dropped my own crate to the floor in a sickening clash of glass and concrete flooring. The sweet, tender pressure of his lips were against mine was a warm moment of acceptance. My brain wasn’t quite in it yet. It was memorizing that cute little curve in his top lip and the slight bump from a scar on the bottom. It was tracing were each peach hair tickled my skin and how gentle Draco was being.

            Wait a God damn moment! I screamed inside of my head. Without my telling, my left arm snapped out at punch this stupid git across the face. “What the hel—?!” Again, before I could even finish what I was going to say a look passed over Draco’s face, and he leaned forward to peck small butterfly kisses across my lips.

            Oh, what the hell.

----------| Draco’s POV |------------

            Sweet, blissful victory.


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Love and fireworks,









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