My Life Would Suck Without You - 29

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Helloooo, I've deprived myself of valuable sleep to post this!

It's quite a long part.... I was gonna split it into 2 but decided to keep it all together :)

Enjoy and purleaseeeeee comment


"Sure, why not?" Ricky said, giving Faye a knowing look

"But-" I blurted out

The four of them turned to look at me and I wished I'd kept my mouth shut; Faye looked highly amused

"But what?" she asked, her eyes flashing with excitement

"I thought we all realised it was a dumb idea" I stuttered, "Probably your dumbest yet Faye"

Faye rolled her eyes, a smirk on the corner of her lips

"Well you know, I need to find a date for prom and this would probably help. Proms' a week on Friday." Ricky said, looking at me properly for the first time since he'd sat down at the table

I knew he was trying to read me, trying to decipher my reaction

I felt like I'd been sucker punched

Ricky didn't want to go to prom with me anymore... he wanted to find somebody else to go with... he was going along with Fayes plan for him to find a girlfriend.

I replayed the words Faye had said a few days earlier: "people shouldn't assume the Snickers bar will always sit there unopened. Maybe one day they will get fed up and go and find somebody else".

He'd given up already. He was fed up of me.

" I left my pencil in the library" I said getting up dazed

I couldn't be here at the moment

I scurried away from the table before any of them could even say anything. I didn't understand why I was reacting so badly, my heart was racing and I felt anxious.

In all honesty it felt like I was having a minor panic attack - maybe some of Fayes drama queen personality was rubbing off on me?

"Pull yourself together Emily" I hissed to myself as I walked into the library

I hadn't really left my pencil in here before and even if I had I wouldn't of been bothered about losing one but I had to get away from that table. I couldn't be with Ricky so why had my heart started flip flopping at the slightest mention of him being with another girl? I seriously needed to get a grip.

I grabbed a book from a familiar section of the library and sat down to read about the psychology of attachments. Ironic, huh?

It didn't take me long to become engrossed in the book, something I was grateful about as it stopped me from being overwhelmed by these crazy feelings of mine.

I didn't look up when the chair facing mine scraped along the floor as someone sat down; I assumed it was probably a fellow student trying to escape the hustle bustle of the canteen and chillax with a good book.

"Can I speak to you?" a delicate voice asked

I glanced up from my book and was shocked to see it was April Rhone. I had no idea what she wanted.

I suddenly felt cautious, she was Reeces girlfriend - maybe Luke had sent her to set up something else.... I had no idea what, just something evil and mean

"I suppose" I answered slowly, putting down my book but being careful to make sure I could see which page I'd got to

"I came to apologise for Reece" April said kindly, "He feels really bad about what happened with Luke and about what happened.... you know, earlier"

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