My Life Would Suck Without You - 4

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I was at Rickys house rummaging through his freezer for ice cream. When I found my desired flavour (cookie dough in case you were wondering) I headed back into his living room and crashed down onto his sofa next to him. Ricky stopped on a music channel and started busting a move to the hip hop song that was on.

"Oi it will be on now!" I moaned, grabbing the remote and turning over; my favourite show Criminal Minds was just starting. My mum has her book club on a Monday night (which was where Rickys mum Rhonda was right now) so I always come and watch Criminal Minds at Rickys where I won't have to also listen to middle aged women discussing steamy scenes in whichever romance novel it was they read that week.

I pulled the blanket Ricky had brought down for us to use round me and snuggled under it.

"He is so yummy" I said when Derek Morgan appeared on the screen.

After Criminal Minds finished we decided to head up to Rickys room. Ricky put on some music and started dancing round his room.

"You are such a loser" I said shaking my head

I left him to his dancing and headed towards his sister Rheas room. You might of noticed Rickys family have an obsession with names beginning with R - FYI (cos I know you're wondering) his dads name is Robert. She shouted for me to come in after I knocked.

"Your brother is doing crazy, nerdy dance moves round his room so I have come to hang out with his much cooler sister" I grinned

Rhea laughed and moved some sheets from her bed to make room for me to sit down

"You doing homework?" I asked, picking up one of the sheets. Rhea is two years younger than me and I recognised the work she was doing.

"Want help?" I offered

Rhea nodded enthusiastically and we settled down to do her homework.

"So are you excited about Wednesday?" Rhea asked as she scribbled down the answer to one of her homework questions

"Why would I be?" I asked, confused

"You know, seeing The Heavies with Ricky - he got you tickets"

I didn't say anything and Rhea kept on writing down the answer; a look of horror suddenly appeared on her face and she clapped her hand over her mouth.

"Oh crap he hasn't told you yet! Oh my god please don't tell him that-"

I didn't hear the rest of what Rhea said cos I was too busy screaming like an excited freak

Her bedroom door burst open and Ricky stood there looking bewildered

"Moth?" he asked, looking around the room to see if he could spot it

Yes I have a major phobia of moths but no I wasn't screaming like I usually did for Ricky to come save me from one.

I shook my head and grinned at him while Rhea pretended to be engrossed in her homework

Ricky looked between us and narrowed his eyes at Rhea

"You told her didn't you?" Ricky demanded

Rhea feigned deafness


She glanced up and gave a small smile

"Sorry I thought you had told her" she said giving him puppy dog eyes.

Ricky dotes on Rhea and she knows this, hence the puppy dog eyes appear whenever shes in trouble with her big brother.

"Uh, whatever" he sighed, "Surprise Emily"

I jumped up and ran towards him, tackling him. He lost his balance and fell backwards into the hallway with me landing on top of him

"Get a room!" laughed Emily

"I love you!" I squealed, hugging Ricky and giving him a big sloppy kiss on the cheek. He was looking at me a bit weird but I guessed that was probably because I'd just pummeled him to the floor.

I got up and helped Ricky back to his feet and followed him into his bedroom. He explained how he'd bought the tickets as soon as they were on sale. I'd been dumb and somehow not known they were doing a gig here until the tickets were sold out.

"You must of been laughing to yourself when I was moaning about it" I said, remembering the vast amount of time I'd spent whinging to him about not having tickets to go

"Yeah I did nearly tell you the other day to shut you up from going on and on and onnnn" he grinned

I threw one of his pillows at him

"I'm gonna have to get going in a minute, I need my beauty sleep especially when I have a hot date tomorrow night" I said, doing a dramatic yawn

Ricky pulled a face

"Are you really going to go out with him?" he asked. I could tell he still thought Fayes deal was a dumb idea. Well even I knew it was.

"I might as well" I replied, "It's only one more date and I'm sure nobody else will ask me out and then I'll be free from Fayes psychotic match making"

"I wouldn't be so sure" Ricky said, fiddling with something on his computer desk, "I had a few boys ask if the date thing was true at soccer practise"

I groaned

"I told them you were fully booked" Ricky said grinning

"That is why you are my bestest friend ever" I said offering my hand for him to give me a high five. Yes we still high five like cool kids.

After our majorly cool high five we walked back to mine. We only live two houses away from each other but he always walks me back and then walks back down to his house with his mum. I don't know what he thinks will attack us in the short distance between our houses but it's sweet.

His mum Rhonda was already stood on my porch chatting with my mum; they are really close. They had it in their head for a while that one day Ricky and I would get married and then they could be mother in laws. They even told us we were betrothed when we were little. We didn't know what betrothed meant and just thought it was a clever big word so we would tell everyone we were betrothed and just thought they were laughing and saying "aawww" just because they were impressed with us saying it. Then we watched The Lion King and found out what it meant.

We were not impressed.

"What's this I hear about you going on your second date in one week?" Rhonda asked

My mum and her big gossiping mouth. I bet the whole book club knew.

"They're not proper dates" I shrugged

"Well you enjoy yourself Emily, though I hear you have another date on Wednesday" she said, grinning like a chesire cat at me and then Ricky

"It's not really a date" we both blurted out at the same time

My mum and Rhonda gave each other a 'look'. You know the patronising ones where they act like their kids are complete idiots and that they are the ones who are really in the know.

"I'm going bed" I said yawning, though this time it wasn't a fake dramatic one, "Night Ricky, mum, Rhonda"

I headed inside just as Rhonda and my mum launched into a discussion about their teenage dating years. I chuckled to myself knowing Ricky would have to listen to at least half an hour of their conversation whereas I had my lovely bed waiting for me.

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