It's hard to describe

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Kristen entered her and Lindsey's bedroom, going straight for the bathroom, needing a pill to kill her headache. But she found the door to be locked and she could hear the water running. 

"Lindsey? Are you showering again?"

"What?!" He could hardly hear anything.

"I said-"

"Wait, I'll be out in a minute!"

She grunted, folding her arms, as she stood waiting. She noticed a clean set of clothes on the bed and she started thinking, whether he had mentioned anything and she forgot, because she rarely listens or...

The bathroom door opened and out came Lindsey in a robe, drying his curls with a towel. "What were you saying?"

"You just showered a couple of hours ago."

"Yeah, but I decided to go out for a run after that. You know, I make enough money to shower twice a day. Besides, I can't go see Stevie reeking and sweaty."

"Wait a second. Stevie? Why would you be seeing her?"

"She said yes to that tour I told you about, I'm driving over there to talk about it."

"She agreed?" Kristen frowned. "You mean... Robert is okay with her going on tour with you?"

"Well, yeah apparently." Lindsey shrugged, as he started dressing up. "Why are you so surprised? We've discussed this, I thought you were fine with it too."

"I've never believed she would actually do it."

"She is doing it and I couldn't be happier about it."

"Oh of course, you couldn't!" She rolled her eyes, going for that painkiller at last.

"Kristen, I'm asking you, please don't start all that jealousy thing. This is what we do, this is our work."

"Excuse me if I'm slightly wary about it. You're going away with only the woman you cheated on me with! How do you honestly believe I could ever be okay with it, Lindsey?"

"Did I or did I not come to you first, before talking to Stevie, and asked you whether I could do this? While in all honesty, I shouldn't even have to, this is just what I do. You never ask my opinion about your designing... stuff."

"She was your mistress, again! How do you not see where I'm coming from? That get together, I didn't like one bit of it, because you two were so... I don't know, familiar and comfortable, I hated being around it! How can I be sure that once you're on the road, away from me, she's away from her man, you won't decide to open a bottle of wine and remember the old times? How can I be sure one of you won't give in and kiss the other? How can I be sure you two won't end up in another affair?"

"I suppose, all you can do is trust me."

"I've tried trusting you, turns out I shouldn't have." Kristen wasn't about to listen to another word, as she turned away from Lindsey and left. 

If he was being truthful, he thought she was overreacting. True, even after the woman gave him children, he couldn't stay away from Stevie, they went back to their old ways around the time of when Stevie was recording Trouble In Shangri-La and she asked Lindsey to visit her and maybe he could add some guitars or something to her songs. They had been left alone for a few evenings too many, sending them back twenty some years back, when it was just the two of them and that was enough to spark that fire between them again.

Deciding not to dwell on it, Lindsey dressed up, sprayed some cologne and was on his way out of the house. He hoped to catch Kristen, but he didn't see her, so he wasn't going to search for her either, he didn't feel guilty of anything.

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