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Original chapter title: Disneybound and Proud of It!

"I love the Cinderella one!"

"No way, the Tangled one is awesome!"

"Are we seriously arguing over Disneybound outfits?" Tris grumbles.

"Yeah." Tris rolls her eyes and shakes her head at us.

"Oh c'mon Tris, you'd look really pretty in the Haunted Mansion outfit." I joke.

"Or the Cinderella." Lynn says.

"Or the Tangled!" Lauren adds.

Tris rolls her eyes again. "Get off of Pinterest already." she snaps.

"Someone's grumpy." I tease.

"No," she rubs her eyes. "Just tired."

"And you miss Four?" I make a fake sad-face-slash-pout-face at her. She glares at me.

"Tris, be happy. We're going to Disney World once the school year's over!"

"Correction- you guys and Caleb or going."

"Why aren't you coming?" All of us ask at once. What the hell?

"Not allowed."

"Why is Caleb then?" Lauren asks, with a whole heck of a lot of bad-girl attitude.

"He's the 'favorite'." She throws in air quotes around favorite. "I'm the goddamned problem child."

"Maybe we can-"

"Convince them?" She laughs bitterly. "Good luck. Like that'll happen."

"Oh c'mon. It's just Disney."

"According to them I'll flash someone and get kidnapped, raped, and sold as a sex slave. Or something like that."

"Well, we'll have to try and convince them." I smile at her. "Besides, how hard can it be?"

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